Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Woundt call it more then enough. In my opinion it was definitely lacking and this would have gotten even worse with F18 and SU-30 (or double aim-120 pylon for EFT). The only reason why I do well in the Rafale is because I am not a idiot + EFT radar is still bugged.

I think 14.0 is now relatively balanced. The worst 14.0 is probably F15E but its not underperforming.

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F15E is not worst by any means, its just require different playstyle than Rafale or EFT.

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So with the CM count change now being 16 large and 32 small, that would mean we have 2x8 60mm buckets and 2x16 40mm buckets (of which the 40mm are not ‘smart’), plus the Spirale ICDs; is this still technically accurate? Or should the 40mm buckets be 2x18 and give us 36 small caliber? I see both numbers (64 or 72 small CM max) being thrown around for small caliber.

I am not saying its bad it definitely better then the aircraft at 13.7 and therfore should be 14.0. I just think the Rafale (with these new changes) is slightly better over all (exept in long range BVR) and the Typhoon (aftet they fix the radar)is definitely better the F15E.

Well F15 family can always recieve AESA radar to compete in high altitude BVR but i must say current radar is more than enough to duel with EFT on high altitude.

I think it would be cool if you could pick if you want the 40mm or the 60mm. 72 (or 64) small or 32 large. That way everyone would be happy because you could bring your preferred countermeasures.

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Highly disagree, were increasingly moving to BVR, and as it stands as long as both are in range, whoever has more, either wins or forces the other to back off into a bad position with no ARH to force you away. Not having 8 ARH puts you in a disadvantage, especially in a 1v1. Just look at the gripen with only 4 Derby’s, theres little they can do with their better FM when the f15e can stay in orbit and deplete them of their ARH. Count and range IS the meta. 6 MICAs with perfect performance still fall short of 120 total range, and with 6, you’ll be out and they can still keep firing forcing your hand. 8x MICAs with IRL perf would have a perfectly healthy niche having the slight advantage at medium range and strong advantage at short range.


Again not saying its bad just think EFT is better and Rafale slightly better (6 missiles Rafale was definitely worse IMO).

AASM 1000 was added with F4.1

MICA IR was there since F2 standard

Meteor came in service with the current F3R we are supposed to have in game

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I think 8 IRL mica would be a bit much. Dont think it would necessarily be OP but it would definitely make the Rafale the best 14.0 plane in the game.

Oh I agree, it would be wonderful to choose which individual buckets to use, but I won’t hold my breath for it coming anytime soon. They’re still dragging their feet on changes like BOL pods and the poor Mirage 4000 missing 336 chaff from its Sycomor ICDs. I was more wondering which of the 64 count or 72 count of small CMs is accurate.

Rafale’s strongest suit is always EW and situtional awareness in real life, thats why it has way less flares and missiles compare to its counterparts.

If you want Rafale you should’ve known what you’re getting into, now we got frankenstein plane that has everything from different models.

Im not against the current buffs but im also not fan of it.

the correct one should be 72 because the 40mm launcher should be the same ones of the Eclaire pod (at least by taking a look at it) so 18 flares per launcher

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To my knowledge small should be 1x18

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me neither, i mean 8 MICAs aren’t that bad of a change but i’m not a fan of this hybridization of CMs

I think Dassault and India would disagree on the less missiles because they both thought 8 missiles was the way to go

I am not sure what do you mean by smart, could you please clarify?
Rafale can for it’s dispensers have different configurations, let’s take into account the one we have now;
8x60mm CMs or 18x40mm CMs. 60mm cartridges are MTV, 40mm ones can be normal or Spectral.



So that still means the updated CM count is wrong then and should actually be 16 large + 36 small + 112 chaff right? Should that be bug reported?

This is whats live in game right now.


I guess I see ‘smart’ being thrown around but spectral is the correct term.