Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

He lives


Ignoring the fact any shot off the bore, or the direct path off the nose of the plane is, by definition an off bore shot.

You ignore that is a test drive where it has consistently shown that test drives does not suffer from TVC bugs and refresh rate wobble, as well that it is showing a parallel shot ignoring again what I am referring to (A perpendicular shot).

This issues of the MICA regarding this have long been a topic and you can even note the people noticing in the DEV server, as to how people thought the missile had been buffed significantly, precisely because the DEV server did not suffer from these issues AS MUCH, let alone lacking it. We have confirmation of this being the case.

This issue doesn’t just effect the MICA, or even just TVC missles, all ordnance across the board loses range due to the servers lag and tick rate interactions, and it is known this noticeably causes TVC missles to waste much energy wobbling.


And were this bug to be fixed, were I to concede this isnt true, and the test drive performance to be 100% to live matches, what does this prove?

The crux of my original argument is that margins of speed and G’s pulled are mostly irrelevant, it is detached from the meta and what it does effect is well within the levels even a slight skill gap covers easily. We saw this during the awful IRCCM IR slinging furball meta, r73 having TVC and cracked off bore capability meant little, what mattered was how many you had to spam and how many flares you had to stop said spam. Just because it was great during a stall fight meant nothing, because it was a furball hell where a 1v1 was impossible. TVC is equally irrelevant in the meta now. And what matters right now is how many you get, and how far they can go - extended beyond the missles - to the airframes radar and nose authority.

If something is OP it necessarily breaks the meta and will become said meta. And as it stands, the meta of sitting at altitude with 8 amraams is practically immune to MICAs. You must go out of ones way to expose yourself to a missile’s niche area it was designed to excel at to develop a disadvantage.

If the MICA-EM and 120-A/B were both IRL performance, the meta would be the same, the only difference is that the MICA would reinforce said meta because of its better dominance of short range. Theres a reason we don’t have MICA-IR with datalink, MICA-NG, f18 with 18 120s. They would threaten the meta.

TLDR; the meta is 8 120s in orbit, the MICA does not pose any threat to someone actually meta-slaving. No one even has access to 8 MICAs with LESS range. The MICA having its short-range low alt niche is incredibly healthy for gameplay in comparison to the current and past dominating outliers.


Back from the dead, I see.


I think this is exactly the point. You guys are arguing about a situation that is so niche it’s not relevant. Today the meta is having 8 amraams flying at 12km, mach 1.7. I am a SIM player, when I play an amraam equipped jet, I literally just have to climb at 12km, reach mach 1.5, fire at 30/35km and get cold. Nothing will be able to kill me.


Its the same in air rb now. Other 14.0s can still get to mach 1.5 at 7-10km even on small map like city an then spam off the missiles.

I know: you’re advertizing the fact that since MICA-EM is shitly modelled we should get more of them.

But that’s as wrong as other things you said there.

Why having more shitty missiles would make it for it?

It does not, you’ll still be engaged by ennemy from longer distances,… and you’ll simply be heavier and have more Drag aswell ->> good luck then to avoid the Spamramm coming up to you.

Having MICA-EM modeled as they should :
80km instead of 50km
[+37.5% buff, when gaijin said that perfomances couldn’t be outside the +/-5% margin]

Is by far more useful than 2 additional missiles that you’ll never be able to use, for the reason above and the second one here:
Since other people would spamramm at each others, there wouldn’t be 8 people left to kill with Rafale, once Spamramm are all fired.

I prefer to have MICA-EM standing on real long-range ability than having two more missiles that were possible but never used by ADAE until Rafale F.4 (as DGA and Dassaults communication proves that those Harpoints were present but sealed away until now)
“Openning the hardpoints numbers 2 and 13” is what i can read on several occasion about F.4 standard


So we have historical loadout but we can’t have historical performance lmao


TVC is no longer active at those longer ranges.

Even today after less than 20km there is no more TVC, and of course no more 50G at that point(only 35g at first pull alike Magic-2)
TVC is functionnal only while the engine is on, which is not at longer ranges

Therefore as the missile is reduced in ability and stands on it’s kinetic inertia to reach the Target, the missile have IOG systems to conserve energy.

The range of MICA-EM is currently 37.5% less than IRL advertized ranges


probably marketing lies =D

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Its crazy the amount of ETF player here that never touched a single french plane trying to make the Rafale worse


80km is not marketing lies,… there is some tsets results proving those ranges.

come on…obvious sarcasm

1st degree team here.

You guys must be god favorites to have so much faith

I don’t understand why you believe Gaijin will do anything to improve the Mica?

Well… Most of them cant cope with insanely nerfed mica. Imagine if french had amraam level bvraam.

Imagine if AIM-120D was given with AIM-120A capabilties: what would you do?
180km+ vs 70km

You dont know? Figures stated by western militaries, MOD or manufacturer are nowadays labeled as marketing lies by gaijin. Not everyone lies like russian weapon industry. Not realizing they are disconnected from governments unlike in russia where they lie to have plus points with tsar putin.


I know about that, but your previous comment makes it as if gaijin is true.

Btw, i have no faith Gaijin will fix MICA, i mean not in the next 3 years (time for gaijin to finally add CCIP+radar on Etendard IVm,…)