Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Well, search sweep is. Once you establish track, it will keep it even otside of said sweep. What takes long is getting all those tracks, but once the bug with repeating pattern is fixed, even that should be decent.
I actually enjoy the radar now.
It still cant compete at range with stuff like EF and to be fair, you can say whatever you want but meta is long range BVR missile, not short-medium ranged off bore missile.
EF is broken with its ability to spam super quick amraams. Once its TWS is fixed, it will be insane compared to rafale.

It is AESA irl yes

I doesnt even match PESA radars in game

you know that one is bull?

only MICA NG variants reach 100km

and what we currently need, is for MICA-EM to actually reach the 80km advertised

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Great TWS tho

Well… it would be nice if it had kinematics and ability to reach its supposed 80Km range.

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I just want a better radar and smart flares :(

and better MICA or more MICA

Once I needed to shoot down an MQ-1 drone that was 10 kilometers away. I launched MICA, and it took a whole minute to reach the drone. As if the missile was flying with a speed of hellfire for whatever reason😭

The french models of the Rafale with HMD were the F4.1 standards per the bug report, not the F3R we have in-game.

You just want the Rafale to conform to what your idea of what it should be is, which is fine, thats what were all arguably doing, but pretending you’re opinion is the only right one is silly.

  • Id rather it be modelled in its historically accurate config. No HMD, 6 accurately modelled MICA EM’s.
  • You want it modelled to get what is ideally the best it could likely have in-game. Unhistorical HMD and 6x accurately modelled MICA-EM’s.
  • They want it modelled at the absolute peak of its potential. Unhistorical HMD, 8 accurately modelled MICA-EM’s. (Really they just want an F4.1)

Disagreeing with others is fine. Chill a little.


Well, in terms of keeping track across large area, its best radar on top tier. You can track someone on deck and at 10 000 meters without issues.

  • Research Thai Subtree now and Rafale once event starts
  • Research Rafale now and Thai subtree once event starts
0 voters

I’m more inclined to the former to give some more time for bug fixes to go through

I dont think it will receive more significant fixes, We might need to wait for proper aesa model but how it works RN after fix, for me, its best radar at top tier.

I dont need a copy past sup tree for japan. I will just pray we will get south korea ;(

Can I get HMD and 8 current MICA?

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I think its azimuth limits are also too high. iirc physical limitations of stationnary AESA’s are ±60°, and at those amgles the range falls off already.

I’d have to find the source for that tho.

Give us either 6 correct micas + HMD or 8 current ones + HMD


Arguably more balanced than HMD + 6 fixed MICA’s tbf. Probs more likely in the near-ish future.

Seems a tad greedy lmao

±70° on RBE2 AESA, but you lose range quicker near the limits, which really doesn’t matter since it is mainly useful for close range anyway