Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Arent you in IR?
It happend to me multiple times by now… Radar swapped to IR through notch, lost lock on IR, it kept ir and then i tried to use HMD and got f up.

didn’t have that happen to me yet. However in test flight, having the enemy just outside the radar’s max angle caused it to switch to IR

Man… i want to BVR. Radar is actually really nice once you establish tracks. But that missile, god its trash in BVR its insane.

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Created a detailed topic about the shortcomings of the Rafale HUD Community Bug Reporting System


update : happened to me just now and my MICA lost lock because of that right before I could fire it

Yep… i HATE it, with passion. It forced me into BVR now where it simply sucks. I can connect like 2 out of 6 if iam lucky… In Typhoon? No issue to connect 2 at 60Km launch and then 2 closer. With still 2 spare and 2 9Ms.
It seriously needs either indian pylons and 8x mica to supplement its lack of range so i still have something left after initial BVR engagement or they have to reduce drag and give it its supposed 80km range.
When i flew EF, i was doing about mach 1.5, i suppose on target about similar speed at 10Km.
My amraam had whopping 60 freakin km NEZ. Mica cant even fly that far and its nez in similar conditions is like 35km, Rmax was above 100km on that engagement.

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I am happy with close combat fights, as that is my preferred playstyle. BUT HMD NOT LOCKING OR LOCK TURNING INTO IR LOCK SUCKS

Thats why i moved to BVR, it pretty much means it wont ever swap to IRST.
I have died too many times on IRST swap to keep flying low and close.

Please stay on topic.


Your username resonates with me.

This aside, Rafale’s HMD not being able to lock or the lock turning into IR lock sucks and needs to be fixed


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I just want Rafale to be balanced and close to realistic performance in one way or another. Be it export pylons, radar/fm fixes or addition of new weaponry. I dont see any problem with introducing export configurations or technically possible features because after all War Thunder is a video game and its about fun.


I’ve issues with the export stuff being added because the French platform didn’t have the hardpoints and it’d just not quite sit right. I would be a lot happier with less missiles that excelled along with good flight performance than 2 more missiles of questionable efficacy.

That, and it isn’t labeled as an export F3R. Which would also work for me. We’re already stretching it a bit in some ways (though these ways have precedent, and the HMD was trialed which is better than a few platforms that set the precedent), would be a bit peeving to outright break it. But I can also see why people would hold the position that it should have more missiles. The current state of them doesn’t leave us with less missiles that excel, but less missiles that are subpar.

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The Rafale now has the same problem as the mirage 20005F had when it was first added. It brings too many new additions that the game isn’t ready for. The Rafale relies heavily on its EW defensive systems rather than countermeasures, and for ir countermeasures in particular they’re designed to mimick the rafales engines. That also doesn’t exist because few planes would even have this type of system in game. The Rafale won’t be “fixed” until the game around it evolves. It’s a damn shame.


Are you talking about switching to the IRST? You can disable it in the game settings

The game would be ready to begin attempting to simulate these things, which we should have seen the ground work for it with Rafale being added tbch.

But you’re ok with an HMD despite it not being used in french service…

Where, please tell me.



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