Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Yes, but mostly talking about RB. I know it is useful in sim due to a lack of markers, but I do not know to what extent it was.

Wanker’s IRST has anywhere between 2-5 times lower range than it should, depending on the scenario.

And in other ways its overperforming at bs rate.

Safe to say overperforming aspects outshine the underperforming ones.

Top speed was nerfed following a report from Fireball, one of the most vocal Eurofighterbros, and rightfully so.


SEP set to 0 is correct, thats the sustained turn rate.

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whats with you guys getting so overly defensive anytime anyone says something that is in any way perceived as negative towards french stuff?!

Years of needless bashing on all corners of the internet, back-to-back dogpiling, years of bad myths against french military gear, including the Rafale

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Teaming up against the F-15E Menace would have been best for everyone

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Everyone deals with getting bashed, particularly in the WT community. The simple fact that Ive said Id rather planes be modelled accuratepy in the Rafale thread has earned me the monicker of a German main, had a forum mod spread out of context screenshots about me and threaten to punish me for “spreading misinformation”.

Its silly to pretend the french are the only people dealing with these issues, and quite frankly, its not a super big deal what others say about you unless its actively harming you, such as being abject harrassment.


The french truly are the most oppressed minority

this a joke btw

And so the entire community gets defensive when their vehicles are criticized. Your point?

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My point is not everyone does, and you really shouldnt.

You also shouldnt make assumptions about a player simply because their opinions dont align with yours.

Like I said before, Id personally prefer the Rafale get the F4.1 designation to have HMD and GMTI for when I eventually play it. My personal views on realism and historical accuracy would prefer the F3R not get HMD, since it didnt have it in french service, though I do understand why people would dislike this. Doesnt make me “anti-french” or indicate I “hate the Rafale”. I very much love the plane.


For one, I didn’t, others did and I don’t know their history or knowledge on you so I can’t speak for them, and neither can you, really.
And it’s fine to be attached to military technology because that’s what having a passion for something is, I mean just ask any American aviation fan

What alt? Those sustains are abysmally low, especially rafale… Real life slatted F-4E with 4 sparrows and around 60-70% of fuel can push 15° STR.

To think rafale with full fuel and 4 missiles getting ONLY .8 more while being stupendously superior in every aspect, is insane. There has to be something wrong.

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Oh im not saying you did, I was just speaking generally. I was just responding since i figured itd be rude not to when you responded to me.

Most of the ppl in this thread are pretty reasonable ppl, much like most ppl in the other threads are as well, but its the fanatics who are loudest unfortunately for us all.

Reminder this is the disclaimer the moment you open statshark’s FM calculators.

Also pretty sure someone said at some point that delta canards particularly dont seem to do well in statshark, but I cant really comment on the veracity of that claim, so grain of salt.


Sea level as thats the value we had for EFT.

Keep in mind its full fuel and 4 MICA

To be honest if it was overperforming then fair enough, i want to see both aircraft performing to their max but with realistic values.

Ahh perfect, does the logic behind my choice make sense or did i fluke the right answer?


Its worth noting both are underperforming here.

And as mythic said, things like Gripen get thw wrong values, these could be wrong but they line up with fireballs test roughly.

Still, phantom on 60-70% fuel and 4 sparrows does barely 1° less… plane from 1972-74 (slats) without any maneuverbility in mind to be fair. Meanwhile Rafale should be extremel capable in BFM.

Yeah could be the wrong value on statshark, also im pretty sure both are underperforming in STR so theres that.

I should have tested the clean figures for Rafale to compare them with that somewhat dubious figure from the Austrian tender.

Corrwct logic, no specific execess power means the plane is not accelerating or deccelerating.

For example, if you look at this EM diagram for the F-16A, the Ps = 0 curve is the SEP = 0 curve, the other curves represent the variance in acceleration or decceleration on the aircraft in the representative turns.


F-16A block 15 ADF E-M