Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

why is the guidance of those HAMMERs so bad?
i loft them from 30km or so, they have more than enough energy to get there and yet they aim short of the base

Most likely this

seems plausible. they really try to come down exactly vertically and then somehow dont make it
idk maybe a PID adjustment is necessary

i think so too

I will make a bug report, unless you already made one @WaretaGarasu ?

You can make a report and link me here, I will forward the additional informations and testings from your report.


New one up


Here we go, AASM bug report :



it looks good

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Forwarded. Thank you.


Is the EJ200 ITAR free ?
As far as I know, one reason the rafale sells better than the eurofighter in non US aligned countries is because the rafale is ITAR free.
Even with a 30 years more modern design, if the Turkish manage to create a robust production line for the KAAN, the problem of going with foreign companies, especially European ones that use non ITAR free equipments (basically almost everyone), being ITAR restricted will still be detrimental for the vehicle.
The thing is, by 2030, everyone will have either bought a f35 5th gen and won’t buy any KAAN, and people wanting to buy 5th gen won’t be allowed to if the US put a stop to the deals with their technology regulations

The initial ~30 fighters are all technically prototypes - much in the same way the Russians and Chinese did their stealth fighters. It will use many commercial products until Turkey can produce their own domestic replacements.

This is all not really relevant to the topic and we’re doing no favors continuing it here.

Rafale began to sell well after the introduction of the Soviet sales scheme.“.A preferential sales scheme was introduced through the crediting of contracts by a pool of leading French banks, which receive government loan guarantees from the French Treasury for the bulk of the amount. In fact, this has become the state financing of export contracts.”.that is, in the event of any force majeure circumstances, the Government and the State Bank of France are responsible for fulfilling the contract…
You forget about the KF-21, it was created according to the technical specifications as a competitor to the Rafale/EF-2000, and they plan to create a full stealth version by 2030 under the KF-21EX program.
Both projects have Turkey and South Korea, the main problem is engines.
Hardly anyone will sell them “real” engines for the 5th generation in ready-made form…Of course, the KF-21 will have better electronics and less dependence on Western technologies…

The engine is one of the most key technologies, often costing as much as the airframe and weapons complex combined. The importance of the engine is often understated.

The development of a modern engine on par with the US or Russia’s would be a very costly undertaking for European economies and they lack many of the raw materials needed to do so. The Rafale’s engine has made some headway with redesigns that the EJ200 has failed to realize by comparison, but France made the enhancements in thrust not in material sciences but rather by leaving tolerance for an increase in bypass or adjustment of the overall engine scheme.

Safran also has pretty advanced material know how between their civil and military designs. They for exemple now use 3D composite in the compressor fan of their LEAP engine (though they don’t work on the hot parts of the engine iirc), allowing for some pretty significant weight reduction of the cold parts. In general they are capable of making very potent engines (maybe with a bit more focus on the hot part since they usually partner with P&W for the hot parts of their civil engines), but usually goes towards more cost and maintenance efficient designs than the US and Russian counterparts (mostly for economical reasons), which is helped thanks to the lighter designs of their airframes (the rafale being about 10 ton when the f/a 18 is about 13 tons for a similarly aircraft in its loadout and missions.
Thankfully the DGA is opened to having the engine of later rafales (f5 I believe ?) be significantly improved in their thrust with as limited structural changes as possible so we will see what they will cook

Could you please check this Community Bug Reporting System
It is actually a thing (but you will have to see it in the game, because the video is capped at 60fps, and the difference isnt very noticeable). The shock diamonds also seem to differ. I am not entirely sure if the afterburner should wobble this much or not. Maybe something like “Size over lifetime” is not configured properly

Is it normal that the rafale’s HMD does not display tracked targets ? I find it pretty strange that such an advance HMD does not have such a critical feature but I didn’t find any report about this feature’s missing.

i made a bug report about 10 days ago about it they are planning to implement hmd changes soon but i think the devs is on vacation at the moment

That would make sense. Good thing I went on vacation during this time too, so I won’t have to deal with all of those (relatively tiny) issues !

wow I never saw the video from Thales about the Scorpion HMD, amazing ! Thanks for sharing

Hello, I will take a look when I am home.

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