"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

Tell me then, genius, how does the S1 communicate with missile after it has been fired, if it emits no radiation?

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Can’t wait for germany to get absolutely nothing of value yet again… for the 4th major update in a row.

Check the Sim tab shitter.

And thats fine, means you fire no missiles while the ARM is in the air, and depending on ARM that doesnt even matter. ARRGM says hello

I mean yeah if u wanna get technical it does emit radiation but idk if it’s the kind an ARM would lock on

So who’s ready for the J-7D spam soon boys?

It has a CLOS system.

There’s versions of the Pantsir that have been sold with no radar at all. Using Beam tracking. I’d imagine this is carried over to all current variants from the S1-O.

BTW, HARM can’t target the K band tracking radar of the Pantsir.

Well… If we got properly modeled ALARM then that tactic wouldnt necessarily work. Because when you turn off the radar, it climbs, cuts its engine and then deploys a parachute, when you turn the radar back on, it re-locks and then I beleive uses IOG to hit that point, so even if you then turned off your radar a second time, it would hit your last know location.

But, for the most part. HARM is a threat and would make SPAA more conservative in their use of Radar (notable on maps with a lot of cloud coverage and IRST is less effective) but i personally want them for SEAD gameplay in ASB

Do we still have another update for the Winter?

Neither do the Swiss vehicles with Germany, yet here we are.

hopefully they dont make the same mistake twice

I absolutely want this skin.

This coming update is the third one out of five for the year.

So we have 2 more after this?

It’d be nice to be able to clean up the scary AAs if they do end up adding more dangerous AA as ground targets in Sim.

Have you heard of the commonwealth?

One in oktober/november
One in december.

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I have always been partial to the blackjack skin. But battle of Britain skin did look fantastic at RIAT this year

December is always the best updates

Even just the Gepards and SIDAM-25s they’'ve already got are terrorfying :D

Ah right, I forget some people can’t just fly at the gepards loosing Vikhrs and pull off unscathed.