Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Thats a total of 2 komorans and the starfighter to sink a dreadnought

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Do you know if there is any intent to add naval search radars (or even more ground search radars) to more aircraft, regardless of ASMs being equipped?

We have loads of aircraft that had that mode, but its not in game.

30 seconds before the update goes live they figure out the J-10A carried IRCCM missiles lmao


or when we can exspect an working search radar for the TT Tornado IDS/GR.1

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Smin, i wanna ask, are there any ongoing works for more game modes? Let say like Air PvE. I could be simmilar to air sim but without the Sim part and PvP part.

Is that normal that AS-34 can’t be locked at ground unit, speaking about Kormorans ?

They should be.

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Hi @Smin1080p_WT Clear for the kormoran it’s an exclusive for that event plane. it’s acceptable and fair.

Can we at least have hope for the desert camouflage? it’s relevant under historical point of view since desert storm was the first real operation (war) ITaF has been involved since the 1945

why should they? they are Air to Ship missiles, and I dont thing an T-80U has the size of an Ship…
while yes, we can lock AI AF AAs, which makes no sense either

Yeah, that is the big one on the list. But considering the Su39 has a ground radar and no one else. It’s starting to get annoying

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Mistral should can lock on ground target too @Smin1080p_WT


In theory it is also R77 capable so…

yea + when you want to have an working ground radar which can detect ships you have to pay for the Event or the PRemium tornado

I think the radar on the tornado was able to lock onto larger ground targets or moving targets and AS-34 were used for targeting larger things like coastal defences I think.

Hey, if you want a 13.0 Su-39 then they can add it. Tornado Gr1 and Sea Harrier FRS1 should have Aim-9Ms

Yep, it’s getting a bit stupid now

change my mind
Tornado GR.1 = Aim-9M
Tornado IDS ASSTA1 and the Italien one = Aim-9L/I or Aim-9L/I-1 aka Aim-9M
would be atleast an reason why they are higher in ARB then the other Tornados which are the same except the GBU…


Yep, totally agree. They need a reason to be at a different BR. Either that or give them BOL

I don’t know if they are able to actually lock and track tanks, but they do have INS, so at the very least we should be able to launch them at a specified location

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I’m not gonna wait, i’m just gonna play the new update before they release it.

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The Bison has a ground radar as well.

Aren’t you glad we have that in our tree?

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