Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

When discussing a leaked jet i’d say the unused assets found on another aircraft are more meaningful than the leaked jet.

But i brought it up to highlight both are relevant. Not making claims they are certainly coming.

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Or just a Thailand variant


Simple and to the point


I mean like the F-16 is just an easy C&P premium to do and most people would buy them in a heart beat.

France - Dutch
Italy - Romania
Israel - Chile
Britain - Egypt at a push though most likely gonna get the Saudi Tornados
Japan - Thailand - Indonesia and Singapore.
China - Taiwan
Sweden - Norway

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They are saying the the update is around the corner.

I personally really hope we’ll get it this week.

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Tuesday is my bet

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I’m still hoping for a second dev this week

maybe with the vulcan

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No I don’t think there will be

I don’t think so either

but my hopes and opinions have always been irrational


If the aim is to add a premium F-16 to everyone, then Id just do the New Zealand one.

Though I really hope we dont resort to that.


Me in every single match if the Vulcan gets added


There are no longer any second devs!

In the past, they used to do two 3-day long dev servers; often, two following weekends.

But, for a couple of years, their new dev server schedule has been, instead, a full week of dev server that gets updated regularly.

All of those together have a lot of F-16 models.

When starting with the 12 Thai models (Block 15 OCU, ADF, OCU (SG), MLU, (e)MLU in their single seat A and twin seat B variations, as well as Block 10 and Block 10A bought for parts) there’s already a lot, but Indonesia and Singapore have their fair share as well.

Indonesia has 9 more, all being different from the Thai models in some way.

  • F-16A/B Block 15 OCU (ID); Drogue chute on Block 15 airframe equipped to OCU standard
  • F-16AM/BM MLU; Modernized OCU (ID)
  • F-16AM/BM Falcon STAR; Further Indonesian modernized F-16AM/BM MLU
  • F-16C Block 25; Spare parts use
  • F-16C/D Block 52ID; Ex-USAF Block 25s upgraded to Block 32 standard with some Block 52 features.

Singapore adds another 7, 5 of which are different from the Thai and Indonesian models

  • F-16A/B Block 15 OCU (SG); OCU variant with Block 30 airframe and drogue chute. Exported to Thailand.
  • F-16C/D Block 52; Block 52s with AMRAAM and HARM capabilities
  • F-16D Block 52 (SG); Two seat model with extended EW spine similar to Israeli model
  • F-16C/D Block 52+; Modernized Block 52s including new APG-83 AESA radar

This brings us to a total of 28 F-16s, 25 of them being distinct models from eachother.


And somehow people will still cry copy paste


Well, some of these I’d say would have only minor differences with little gameplay relevance. But having access to all of these makes it easier for Gaijin to pick the most interesting and unique models to add to the game.


I’d honestly but that just because it’s New Zealand, as I don’t care for the F-16 at all.

Heck design wise is it’s probably on of it it is my least favorite US jets.

Still entirely different visual models which is enough for me ;)

POV Japanese mains when subtree F-16s



It’s for nucleor bomb delivery anyway.
Would also replace Jaguar and others in that role in ground matches nicely, although it might be hard to balance.

Update when?

Probably tuesday