Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Sweden is more likely to get a actual naval tree before china anyways


Yea considering it’s region it would most likely get Norwegian, Finnish and Danish ahips.

He was clearly talking about the ACA, sorry

Eh, until DK and Nor are confirmed i dont expect them to be added. (Best to save myself before im disappointed by the nordics as per usual.)

The coastal tree will be the largest part but the blue water will make some people upset since if gaijin wants to actually make it bigger than 2 lines theyll probably have to add a few paper or vehicles that were boight but never arrived.

Check the APHE test thread for the real action lol

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Yugoslavia navy when?

I really hope France gets their Strasbourg 1942. They urgently need a strong top battleship that can stand up to others.


Next naval event: Strasbourg 1942

Nobody wonder PL-5E II on JF-17A Block I

But PL-5E II for domestic chinese aircraft only or both export other operators and domestic chinese ?

I see

Either that or as the first rank 6 naval Sqv

Thanks as always for the communication, I appreciate the response and I look forward to seeing more vessels added, particularly to those tree’s who need them the most.

The J-10 now has a very slow acceleration at supersonic speed, just like a speed brake. Although I don’t know how Gaijin made the drag of a mid-mounted canard + delta wing + wasp waist + high thrust so large, but this is the current experience. High altitude and high speed are not as good as the F16C and its own J8F. Both of them only need 3 minutes and 54 seconds to take off from the ground to 1.9 Mach at 10,000 meters, while the J-10A needs 5 minutes and 22 seconds to accelerate to this level. The acceleration ability is quite poor (both take off with full fuel), and the time required for the J-10A and F16C to accelerate to Mach 1 at low altitude subsonic speed is similar, but after breaking through Mach 1, the drag of the J-10A rises sharply, and the acceleration drops quickly. Even when the engine is in a thrust curve larger than that of the F16C, the acceleration cannot go up, and it is difficult to reach the level before the update.

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I want to report this now, because this value is very likely a bug. But I feel I have no idea where to start.

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So Derfflinger is only rank 5. Does that mean germany will receive another ship?


Tbh its not as good as a lav weapon wise with only a third of stingers, and not much better protection in that respect. Shouldve been 9.7 imo acting as a better machbet or shilka-M4.

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Based on this, we can more or less deduce that the next update after Dance of Dragons (the October update/fourth major update of the year) will have at least one new Rank VI vessel for Germany, Great Britain, Italy and France, since USA, Japan, and USSR are each getting one in this update.

Italy really only has one option: A member of the Francesco Caracciolo class. It’s the only battleship that wouldn’t be a repeat of the classes already featured in the game, and offers a stepping stone towards the later Littorio class which is a bit too powerful for the current meta.

GB has several options: A tech-tree Queen Elizabeth seems the most likely with the Barham event going on now, but it could also be a Revenge class. Since Renown is already in, Repulse would be reasonable, but I think the UK needs an actual battleship more than another battlecruiser at this moment. Of course, with Amagi creeping the power ceiling higher, the UK could honestly get Nelson/Rodney at this point.

Germany is the odd one out here as it has a good amount of vessels at this BR range already and not a lot of options to choose from. The König class is not in the game yet and could probably fit at the low end of Rank VI, alternatively Gaijin could make Gneisenau a premium because it would sell like crazy.

France has a few options like the Normandie and Lyon classes but honestly everybody wants Dunkerque/Strasbourg and that’s what needs to happen. The other classes won’t really be able to compete with the current meta ships (Scharnhorst, Kronstadt, Mutsu/Amagi, Alaska) the way the Dunkerque/Strasbourg will be able to.


Well if we count Derfflinger out since its rank V, i think for Germany only the Mackensens with the 14 inch guns or the even bigger Ersatz Yorcks with 15 inch Guns could qualify for rank VI. The Königs or the Seydlitz are not worthy of Rank VI.

Only other Options would be Gneisenau or heck Bismarck lol

Dont count out the first King George V class (1911). I like your Options more but knowing Gaijin these could also end up in Rank VI. Or maybe UK gets nothing since HMS Barham is technically a rank VI (pls no)


I would play the crap out of Bismarck, but I think it would be a bit too OP for now…

It would basically be an even stronger Scharnhorst

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Eh, I play 9.3 more than 10/.3 these days, so I’d honestly take anything. It’s really depressing to have no missile AA in the fairly consistent 10.3 uptiers. I just want to be able to consonantly down all the rocket/missile flinging cas that exists in that BR range

Gib South Carolina class BB :P

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