Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Just bang them on a large EC map, give them Cruisemisiles and increase the target sizes of the base objective or reduce the rp/sl for destroying bases.
Add AI spaa/Shorad to protect targets from missiles.

Alternatively for a start add them as AI targets.
In EC maps


Add RB EC Gamemode


Only way to restore the purpose of ground attack aircraft outside of ground battles

Yep, entire reason why I play sim. I enjoy ground attack aircraft like the Buc, Jaguar and Tornado, but they are pointless to play in ARB. But fantastic in ASB

In sim the S2B is great, yeah, but in ARB it’s the definition of a RP pinata.

The S1 and S2 are usable just fine in ARB (unless you get matched with multiple bombers that are faster than you).

Yep, but the same is true of basically all ground attack aircraft past about 9.3. (if not even lower)

Dunno about that, I’ve had great success with the Jaguars (except for the IS) and the Su-22s
The Harriers (not the GR1 tho) also work well in ARB

ASB is not without it’s flaws, but the gamemode itself is IMO much better than ARB. Sadly not many play it, maybe because most people don’t have joysticks, trackIR, or rudder pedals.

That’s why I think there’s so much interest in an EC mode, but made more accessible with ARB control scheme.

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I feel like the biggest entry barrier for ASB is that you are locked into first person. The lack of HOTAS n stuff is just a secondary reason for most people I believe.

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Oh, I understand completely

This game has some beautiful aircraft models and I want to look at my plane while I’m flying! :P

Also there’s the situational awareness aspect, alotta folks struggle with this already in 3rd person. Cockpit view does no favors

Speaking of ARB EC, there’s a debate around markers vs no markers. I’m not sure I’ve made my mind yet. I see a lot of pros and cons to this

I mean, taking the models into consideration, there also is the fact that there still are loads of planes without proper cockpits lol

Markers are fine, they should just work on making them more consistent and for EC they should have shorter ranges

Yep, its the full controls that I think puts people off so much. Huge learning curving there

Yeah… There is that…

Especially if we are talking about bombers

If we’re going with “short range” markers I believe the distance should scale with BR/rank.

Short range in WW2 props is different to short range in modern jets

True, that should also be considered


Just like Multipathing height should have been dependant on BR lol

Wait, can you elaborate?

Id just do GRB markers. No enemy markers at all, but leave friendly markers on. Wont be the most realisitc gamemode out there, but mitigates TKs


The Multipathing effect should be further reduced the higher you get in BR, like have it at 100m still for the early PD radar BRs and gradually lower it the further you get along the technological advancements.

Optimally multipathing height and effect should be done on a radar to radar/missile to missile basis, but that may be too much work.


That would definitely be a good solution

is it just me or are spaas no longer able to lock onto missiles in both dev and live