Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Not gunna tag you because you are getting spammed,

but Smin,

are we going to see other aircraft get Phimat this update? Like the F3?


Well if it’s cope I’m joining ya, drinking it for the CF-188

Well, time to work on some anger management.

I will be ultra pissed if we get a Canadian or Aussie Hornet before we get the Hawk, Gnat or literally any of the (relatively) easy copy paste jobs that should have been added anywhere between months and years ago by now.


Export Hunters, Sea Harrier FRS.51, Atlas Cheetah, Harrier GR.5 and GR.9, CAC or Canadair Sabres, etc

Not to mention how the F-111C killed all remaining hopes of us getting a V-Bomber or the BAC TSR-2…

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Clearly going to end up on the French tree because of Quebec :D


man i would kill for a CAC sabre got to sit in one a few weeks back and it rekindled my love for that plane


We were likely not getting any of these true big bombers anyway for a long time. So it’s better to not get hopes up for something that likely isn’t going to happen anytime soon.

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Yeah, I guess the B-29 and Tu-4 are the only real big bombers allowed to be in the game

It’s not like the Aardvark carries a bigger load than a lot of actual strategic bombers or anything lol

Gaijin has killed all hopes of getting them since there hasn’t been any rework to how bombers work for years. Until we get a bomber rework we won’t see any modern dedicated bombers.

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Your still upset, serious get over it

I get why the Vulcan (and other V-Bombers) and B-52 would be hard to place. Too low of a BR and they’d replace the Canberra / B-57 too high and they would be DOA. But Id love the choice of them. Event/Premiums would be great for them I think. Make them optional . B-17 and Tu-4 are already suffering from BR placement and they have turrets

But even just as AI models for Air Sim. They would be awesome to see


They are impossible to balance. Add them too low and they’ll be too good grinders (which is why the Tu-4 and B-29 are as high as they are) which would mean their BRs get increased to the point where they have to fight supersonic jets or jets with radar missiles.

Which is why we likely won’t see them.

F-15C MISP II from the USAF

I think the best hope for them is as a premium or as an event with a higher than normal reward multiplier (or even as a premium event vehicle) . But at like 8.7/9.0.

Yes they would be very very hard aircraft to use, but high difficulty high reward balancing. Not being on the TT means it doesnt affect the grind down the tree. You dont have to suffer it till you get the Buc S2

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Yeah. Current air RB maps are way too cramped, the objectives are too few and lack any real impact over the outcome of the match. The match time is also too short.

Now, if only there was a different game mode that could solve all of the above… 🤔



Exactly this. Lot’s of potential additions would be very hard to balance but very cool to see.

I think regarding modern bombers they should come alongside a bomber rework update or possibly alongside the forgotten single player missions until a bomber rework is implemented.

I think Gaijin is really missing out on the possibilities of single player missions. Lot’s of DOA aircraft could be added for use in single player missions. Gaijin could add cargo/transport aircraft for the player to fly and then utilise AI infantry to complete an objective. Like flying C-47’s dropping paratroopers to an objective or providing support in an AC-130. Granted a lot of players haven’t touched the single player missions already in-game but a revamp of them would be pretty cool to see.

But they would have to create big maps for that, with entire PvE objectives and stuff. That would be way too complicated for them to model.



Yeah… unfortunately the game mode would have to be laboriously created from scratch since there is nothing similar to it already in-game /s


I was about to mention the Buccaneers. We already have some basically defenseless bombers, but those are subsonic. A supersonic bomber at the BR of the S2B would very well have a chance to be usable.

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TSR2 would about match the F-111A. Im not worried too much about that one. I think that has every chance of being added.

Its the V-bombers and other heavy strategic bombers that are tricky to place. Even the Buc S2 has decent handling and can outrun most aircraft at its BR.


That’s true, but only for the S2. (Autocorrect pls)

I am pretty sure a Victor or Vulcan could work at 9.3-9.7 and the TSR-2 at 10.3 or even higher

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