Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

anyone see that behind Mikes head?

They really need to move their floating heads :P

@KhorneFlakez1337 On suicide watch, only 1 Vark for the US

5.7 seems expected

U something

There is no need to add an incomplete aircraft that wasn’t even finished, let alone never flew, when a one that was finished and saw extensive service can be provided instead.


a boat I think?

You know what would be cool? A dev stream without facecams

Tennessee, yeah.

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So there is no need for the F-111C either

Or just smaller ones that are more in the corners.

What is Gaijins stance on the TSR2?

Possible in the future or not possible?


USN ? perhaps

Thank you, I was squinting to try and see it lmao

At the moment, no news or outcome to report on this aircraft.

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Now you won’t be able to see anything in naval. Tracers will cover your screen.

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We need AI Air targets in naval now. That looks pretty


New skin is Open


More tracers in naval battle = more star wars feeling