Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

can we know which will be first, english or russian?

I sometimes get overwhelmed with just two. I can’t imagine what six would be like.

Really hope so, it would save me a lot of time.

only 3 are computers (as in laptop/desktop devices).


If it is I swear I’ll eat any snails that I can find

thats not as bad as you make it sound to be,
snails can be quite tasty

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I doubt the P-16 would be rank 8.

I hope it’s at least rank V

Are you secretly French?

with a little garlic sauce, yeah

french border sadly

french food is literaly the only thing i tolerate about them


Mine looks like this and I am connected with 1200 baud ;-)


Doesn’t fit my play style at all so won’t get it but it does look really sweet.

Guys… take it to PM please… Thanks…

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eh, the P-16 propably wont have anything special enough for me to consider preordering it

its more a on sale purchase for me, specialy since its not a GE vehicle

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Honestly kinda surprised that the russian stream is being streamed on YouTube with it being banned over there.

I kid you not, I need to correct the autocorrect more than the autocorrect corrects me…

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I just always have it turned off.

No no, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE snails, but I won’t eat one that’s still alive. Unless, of course, the CV is a premium, and gaining should be happy that I don’t eat them anyway seeing what they give us


Will we see on the Panavia Tornado IPS ASSTA 1 (KEPD 350 and GBU-54)?
