So its basically a better dumb bomb with better CCRP?
a bomb that unites the (for Warthunder) disadvantages of a Paveway and a Mk 8x
The Antelope system uses ordnance directly adapted from original air-launched TC-1, which technology-wise is equivalent to the AIM-9L.
Exactly, I wish they could do something like multiple targets locked at once and then you only need to fly over them to drop.
Anyhow FAB3k could be scary, especially cause I play light tanks a lot…
is that thing guided?
Yeah I think it’s only real use will be against the enemy spawn in the hope to kill some SPAA that hasn’t moved.
Probably not, but it will be a lot closer than it should considering the Tan-SAM is currently missing kinematic missile range, imaging seeker, missile self search and launch without lock, as well as the main missile developed for the variant, a PESA ARH seeker version of the one in game.
Was thinking that too. Might be the hopium.
Btw, this is what i think of whenever someone calls it Jeff:
Could be a GPS guide but not LGB, at least I hope they don’t have a KAB 3k.
Yes. GPS guided.
However their effectiveness would be questionable at best.
Yep, pretty insane how France is getting this copy pasta crap - what can only be described as leftovers from Sweden - when all the devs had to do is take their pick of pretty much whichever VBCI and model a new turret:
And if it was a matter of them not being bothered to an ounce of research to accurately model a French vehicle (which is what they do anyway) then they could’ve just left it up to the community (which is what happens anyway).
The first domestic French IFV was already introduced:
On top of this, it hasn’t been announced which vehicles from the teaser will go into which positions in the tree yet.
We have plans for more domestic French IFVs and this vehicle isn’t coming instead of or rather than a French one. Simply it’s a continuation of the BeNeLux deployment.
hey smin any news about live
So the dev stream will come at 13:00 UTC today?
very curious to see how the new GPS bombs will work in game!
Like, will your team target it?
Will it have a targeting system similar to the CCRP system?
Kinda seems that the CV9035NL is coming alone, hints at premium for me.
Atleast I hope so, otherwise I won’t be able to play it. Waaaaay too far with French ground.
(event vehicles don’t go in teasers and already another squadron vehicle this patch.)
And yet it’s marked as a SPAA in-game…
And how long will these plans take? As long as its taking for France to receive its own DF-105 equivalent?
Also when are the devs going to fix the mess they created with the 9.7-11.7 gap in France? Will it be this update or in the next year or two? The CV9035NL seems like a great way to try and fix this gap considering it will most certainly end up at 9.7… seriously, does any thinking go into the devs’ decisions?
Idk, I think the previously leaked 3 benelux MBTs could also still come. At least one of them can be C&Ped from the finnish tree and the other is a slight remodel. Only one requires a fully new model.
Good point. Well I don’t mind slowly working my way up towards them…IF I can do so with Duch vehicles.
Either low tier Dutch TT stuff (unlikely) all the way up to there or just one of those vehicles as a premium.
Still think all dutch vehicles belong in the german ground tree