Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

i could name a few instances where france was (and is) “in advance” compared to other western nations

Not the point of the thread though, so let’s leave it there

Also, drop this part, believe me it will get you nowhere


Idk its okay i do alright in it but id take any 8.x bmp or literally any other 9.x ifv over it

can someone tell me all the new ordinance shown in the trailer? I can’t scroll up enough to read earlier posts

Storm Shadow when /j

edit: ohhhh that’s a decoy. I should try reading sometime, it seems useful

If only man…



Ok nice talking with ya, have a nice day

(Insert Toyota joke here)

Nope, those are the Mle.1909r which are already ingame

The unused FR torpedo 450mm M18 looks like this

Here 's the guidance principles of the unused GBU-38 JDAM 's if anyone wants to take a look, though bear in mind they might be outdated compared to how they’ll work when introduced


it’s probably going to start small like blue water. Frigates and or missile boats would’ve been nice but unexpected i think


its not helping when a pantsir can just ignore it and lock the a10 :sob:


When are we getting the beauty that is the CV90 Nor?



Me want

Would open wallet

God pls just add it to the TT gaijin pls


that wouldn’t matter in tank RB where any sort of interaction between spaa and aircraft is within visual range anyways

It’s Norwegian, you know how it is

Gzabi said it was dataline as going to the UK (even if gzabi leaks aren’t fact), and based on this meme:

Sounds like it’s going there…


Licensed AIM-9L?

@BasherBenDawg8 don’t listen to him he is spreading false infomation

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Yup, which as far as Smins statement on it goes means it could go to any nation that needs it since neither DK or Nor are actually confirmed for swe