Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

How is the GR4 overdue tho? Pretty sure it wouldnt get Brimstones.

Appearently it’ll get satellite-guided bombs, so JDAM is back on the table after the EJ Kai debut.

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eva-title (6)


Damn hes fast

Literally spawn camped it


Dont model air tracking for all CV90s sadly… even tho they basically have em it just doesn’t auto track via the barrel …still tracks via the sight tho…

The first of 30 MatAWG vids


@KhorneFlakez1337 i think smin just confirmed its for the UK


Question is if we get swiss voicelines aswell speaking swiss german.



I’m not dropping to his level lmao I’m being realistic, or rather, thinking like Gaijin. Why would we get a TT Vark when Gaijin could make some filthy luca off making it a prem lmao

So UK then i guess

Will it have Pave tack the F-111C

Well, we’ll see where it gonna be.

that would be cool

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Without Brimstones it would be 11.7. enough to be worth adding, but an overall small upgrade

To it’s rightful place, alongside the Abrams AIM

Bambini Code ,-)

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Inb4 10 hour ramble videos from you know who.

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New version of UTAAS are installed on the cv9035’s all of them. Same with DAS and ahead and ect ect. Gaijin just doesnt care

GPS guided weapons could be rather interesting