Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Thats not the reason they’d need damage control, 90% of the vehicles for the update were leaked and half of the staff would need to be laid off to find the culprit

TEC hate is well founded, such is a hill I will die on


lol he’s comming to report your post i bet ya

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Probably lmao


Is that TEC?


Just one? XD

hvad fanden…

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Hitler takes away glasses on Make a GIF

Jokes aside, what’s the context of this?? Did he do it as a joke/on purpose, or was it an accident/unintentional?

If it was an intentional joke, I guess it’s fine; but if it was an accident, I would be quite sad that it got caught and spread :/


Is this the F111C or F?


This is what I imagine them doing while I email them about the Mirage III NG every day


T-55AMD-1 or Object 435, which one is more worth it? I am just researching stuff I skipped now that I have pretty much all except pantsir.

that takes a lot of alcohol to forget

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I knew what I was going to see, I knew that I would not like what I was about to see

Yet I can never stop myself, now I am once again left with regret of having seen that clip

Has the trailer playlist been updated?

I’ve been checking and so far no

I wonder what nice things these gentlemen are saying.

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Idk actually. In a thread awhile ago that asked if the F-111 could ever carry AGM-65s this was posted. I’m sure if I were to look into the visual differences between variants it wouldn’t be too hard to deduce what specific variant it is. I posted the photo mainly to show proof that it can carry say munitions.

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No, still on 82 videos and last updated 12th of June. Starting to think it’s not coming today and the event blog is being considered as the actual dev blog for today