Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

You can bet its tomorrow but ultimately its up to gaijin, pretty sure we’ve had one randomly on a Wednesday before lol

teasers are usually on thursdays, so tommorow or next week is my bet

Crazy, that how after 3 devblogs poeple already expect the teaser…
well it did happen before i believe…

Try to expect it next week and if its tomorrow its a fun surprise.

How do we burn down a place that already burned down?


But yeah, best not to expect anything and just live your life lmao

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time for a certain youtuber to make a 10 minute ramble on why there’s no dev blog today.


why would you expect a trailer on wednesday smh

Dig a hole !

me whenever im away from my discord server because i touch grass sometimes

if those people could read they would be very upset

Don’t think it, don’t say it


where USS Skibidi and USS Rizz?

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and use the leak list update to make some out of this world connection lol

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Aww… I was looking forward to another flappy bird devblog… Oh well…

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same, waiting for the J10 to get confirmed but thats probobally after the teaser


Did you just publicly admit that you’re a discord mod?

Same, such a nice looking jet :)

Nah JH-17 for me lol

well more of a father figure at this point

J10 my beloved

There are also dishes of haggis in my region so I would not refuse try that lol.