Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yeah of course, but I more so meant that something might have gone wrong internally and today’s Dov Bleg has to be delayed. But the Air Superiority teaser dropped on a wednesday so yeah, Teaser is also a possibility I guess

yeah half a hour ago I wrote that a teaser is likely if no devblog drops till 17 p.m. cet

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It’s 2:38PM BST here and yea we still within the time frame

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How many dev blogs were there before the air superiority teaser dropped?

I tell you something. In a 1:1 WVR the F-35 will not be a good fighter. Its design is not up to an F-16C Block 52 in terms of WVR. In AirSB, 90% of my kills are in WBR not in BVR. Derby I generally use in ranges where the dodging is almost impossible.

I don’t see any advantages of a F-35A vs my F-16C in a dogfight.

If there is a teaser it would be early : )

plz i wanna that XD

Not really but it would be only 1 or 2 devblogs early. Maybe tomorrow if a devblog is released then


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Better IR signature


I mean like the dev streams used to be like two weeks away from the first blog but now it’s like the first

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Last time the teaser dropped on the 31. and before that 29.


yeah, it was a lot slower some time ago. Maybe covid was a factor

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If it turn to 84 and with no video then it’s teaser time

12 Dev Blogs, Including 4 days with double Blogs, over the course of 9 business days

Hm maybe or perhaps they relieased two weeks was atcually hurting themselfs from pre-order profits.

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No, it was 82 yesterday.

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Its still 82, the screenshot is fake (and a few days old already).