Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Only once France gets a squadron vehicle for air

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Cac Sabre. Australian design and built. Although it looks like a sabre it only shares about 20% commonality


That’s a Canadair Sabre actually, Canadian license production.

Only Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia operated CAC Sabres.

Its got a deceptively RAF style roundel but its definitely a RAAF CAC-27.

If you check by the intake it only has 2 gun ports as the CAC’s main difference from other sabres is the larger intake for the British engine and the 2 ADEN 30mm cannons one each side of the intake.

Gosh darnit, why even have roundels lol

Anyways, point is Britain had Canadian Sabres, Australia had Australian Sabres


Yeah not really sure why its dressed up RAF style haha… It even has the French flag thing the RAF use for squadron markings.

Someone will correct me but it looks almost exactly like a CAC-Sabre dressed up to look like a British one.

But yeah Britain had Canadian CL-13 MK.4’s. I also think the CAC-27 is one of those ‘unique commonwealth additions’ that would be mostly universally welcomed in the British tree, particularly as CAC would be bought by a British company, and RR would help integrate the RR Avon into the CAC.


I was curious if maybe it was a ‘cosplay’ of an RAF CL-13 MK.4.

Turns out its just a very unfortunate angle.
images - 2024-08-31T002500.302
Same plane, same livery, different angle
The Sabre is part of the Royal Australian Air Force’s Heritage Collection

Unfortunately the wing blocks your ability to see the Roo in the roundel and the only area it has a very distinguished Australian mark is that exact spot…

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Oh, I’m not against the addition of CAC or Canadair built planes to Britain. There are a few that I really would like to see in the game.

The whole F-111 thing doesn’t sit well with me because of certain decisions made by Gaijin over the last two years. The biggest one for me being India (I wish I could make this sound less nationalistic lol) and the explanations given for a lot of the decisions leading up to them becoming a subtree.

Yeah, looking around online I found that camo as well, very unfortunate angle

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No of course, I’m just trying to bring more attention to the CAC by going on about it because frankly… I need it :p.

As for India, I just want to see the most made of any subtree thats added.

Regardless I gotta go to bed

Aight, have a good one!

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i correct it, i hope that is ok now if you want to check it again i would appreciate that.

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I really hoped for some more WWII Japanese aircrafts.


Why haven’t we seen any for the Japanese TT?
We’ve only gotten the A6M5 HEI in the last 4 or 5 years.


More importantly, why are the E7K2, E8N2 and E13A1 still not in the tech tree (or at least premiums)?


And the A6M7, A6M8, G3M (Variants), Ki-48 (variants), G3H, G2H1, Ki-201 Karyu, Ki-102A,B,C and Kai variants.

Same goes for the Hiro flying boats.

And where is my Chi-Ha-Kai with with the normal turret + cannon and 1 flamethrower on each side?

And where is the Chi-Ha-Kai bulldozer variant?


And lets not talk about cold-war tanks, because its a criminal offence on how much neglected the Japanese ground-TT is in that field.


Gimme more flame tanks!


Guten Morgen, meine Freunde. Was anything spicy said on the Russian stream?

@Smin1080p_WT Shouldn’t the F-111C have GBU-15 as well

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damn the UK getting another patrol boat that is the same as every other one they have got with a single 40mm surely this one will be good!


same but considering gaijin never give us GPS guided bombs they sure as hell wont give us radar guided AGMs not before the US at the very least ( this is where germany and the US get the Brimstone before the UK)