Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

@Smin1080p_WT Are there any more Swiss vehicles planned for this patch besides the premium?

ATGMs on french coastal was not on my bingo card



MFG, WTD61, and this new italian IDS are 100% identical to their later counterparts minus the Tpod and Guided weapons. But the Saudi Gr1 would probably have Mk103 engines and the usable BR

Sorry sub ;-)

Not currently.


I guess we dont have india :>

They got rid of India? Thank god

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Dont get me wrong, a WW2 refit BB would be nice. But alas, Gaijin doesnt think we operated anything after Jutland

Dev server today?


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We dont know since mike didnt show off the XRAY. Russian stream should show it soon though.

its honestly insane watching the US and Japan get ww2 refit after ww2 refit while we FINALLY got a QE class and they chose drum roll pleaseeeee! 1920s

Are Paveway 4s or ePaveways in development. Kinda annoying that Britain has been excluded from a new game mechanic again. Getting flash backs of when the Gr7 didnt get MAWS for 5 months (and is still wrong)

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giphy (7)

giphy (15)


-France only gets their second IFVs: and it’s a Squadron vehicle, because their first being Premium wasn’t enough.
-Israel yet another update without Top Tier SPAA, as far as we know.
-America gets 17th CAS while not getting a direct 2A7/122 counterpart.
-Japan’s first IFV after years and highest BR one is yet another Squadron vehicle (unless they also get a non-Squadron variant too, I hope so).
-USS Tennessee brings no upgrades in survivability, protection or rate of fire.
-No apparent addition of 2A7/122 counterparts at all.

I gotta say, this update is turning out quite underwhelming to me. Tracers and model updates are what I am looking forward the most for now lmao.

I would look forward to the Squadron vehicles if it weren’t because it takes 4 month at best of 100% efficient grind to get them. I don’t know why suddenly half the vehicles in the update are Squadron ones.


You don’t get it. We don’t need em, we got the F-111C after all

Japan might get refits.
But 7.0 Japan naval is the only playable br for them.

All other br’s sucks.

(believe me, i am 7.0 naval for Japan)

So we getting TEMU F18 before the actual F18, it’s a sign that we’re getting it the next update fo suuuure!!!

@Smin1080p_WT @Stona_WT

What the…???
I watched dev stream and have only one question…

Where is Kh-58 for Su-24?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!