Todays ‘easy’ challenge was 1 x intelligence streak. They don’t come easy for me, however after 10 battles I saw to my relief, that i got 1! (see attached picture) At the end of the game I thought I would be rewarded with completion. However 0/1 was still displayed. Seems the server’s right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing. Now 10 games later I still hace not got another one, and how many would be required when they don’t count. I am very well aware that it would cost me just 1000 SL, to buy a different one, but for the cause of testing I have not. s it a bug in the game, or???
“According to Intelligence” is not “Intelligence”
If you get the challenge “According to Intelligence”, you have to kill a tank that has been scouted by a light tank.
If you get the “Intelligence” challenge, then you have to use a light tank to scout for your team mates to kill… But… you need to have scouted the enemy BEFORE anyone on you team has already shot at them, otherwise you won’t get the award.
OK - I get your point. Just intelligence is something different. Neither Intelligence nor Acoording to intelligence comes easy for me - Believe I never saw the “intelligence” and According to intelligence I get on rare occasions, probably 2 - 5 times a month :-(
The intelligence is super easy, just pick a light tank with the scouting ability and just hide behind a hill and scout targets as much as you can without revealing yourself, i can usually get like 2-4 of them per game depending on how the match goes.
its easy on realistic, but on arcade its very inconsistent. Afaik you get the “Intelligence” award only when the target you scouted dies while you have line of sight on that target. If its hidden behind a building or something when it dies, you only get “scouted target destroyed” but you dont get the “Intelligence” needed for quests.
“Scouted target destroyed” is when the target has already been seen/engaged before you scouted it, “Intelligence” is when you were the first to spot it and scout it before any one else on your team saw it/fired at it. Which is also likely why it’s harder on arcade since there you have the auto marking system so to be the first is kind of hard :P
oh so thats how it is. thanks for clarifying
Just reroll