Czechoslovak naval tree

I would like to propose a Czechoslovak naval tree.

Some basic history

Czechoslovakia isnt exactly known for its naval achivements. Sure, its military industry was very influential overall, producing many revolutionary designs of both ground and air vehicles and even small arms, but due to it being landlocked it never had a navy or any significant impact on naval industry, or did it?

Czechoslovakia actually did have a small river fleet, which operated mostly on Danube and Elbe rivers. History of the Czechoslovak Naval Forces began during the Russian civil war, when the Czechoslovak legion captured two Russian steamships, Fedosia and Sibirjak, equipped them with two howitzers each and engaged in combat with the Red army with them on the lake Baikal, destroying a train station, sinking enemy ship and achiving the only naval victory in the history of Czechoslovakia (and, being the only naval battle with Czech participation in the history, giving Czechoslovakia 100% winrate of naval battles :))

During the years of the 1st republic, Czechoslovakia was fielding OMm class minelayers, OMd class gunboats, OMh class launches (which i excluded from the tree due to them being armed with just 2 machineguns) and a river monitor President Masaryk, which was quite a large warship armed with 4x 66mm cannons and 4x 7.92mm AA machineguns. This ship also later participated in WW2, fighting for the Germans who modified it multiple times, changing its engines and armament. One such modification can be found in my proposal - the 1945 version of it. This is the exact same configuration in which Masaryk was captured by US troops. Its presence in the tree is kind of semi-historical though, because oven though Masaryk served with Czechoslovak navy again after the war, it was disarmed before returning back to the country and it was never armed again (but i personally think it shouldnt be that much of a problem).

After the war, Czechoslovak navy operated mostly ships captured from Germans, but some pre-war ships were also used. Most heavily armed boat in post-war Czechoslovakia was the DČ-1, which was a prototype of a German Pionier-Sicherunsboot 43 finished after the war. It had a Pz.IV cannon armed with 75mm and a 20mm flakvierling 38 at the back. There were also some small boats armed with 20mm flag 38s. Navy was disbanded in the late 1950s and the defence of Danube given over to the Soviet Danube fleet. Thats where its history ends.

Czechia, however, influenced shipbuilding in various ways even before the existence of independent Czechoslovakia. Did you for example know that the person who invented the screw propeller was a Czech inventor Josef Ressel? But now back to the topic.

You may ask why Austrian warships are present in my proposal. Well, its quite simple. Both Czechia and Slovakia were a part of Austria-Hungary, and quite a lot of sailors of the Austro-Hungarian navy came from those parts of the Empire. Not only that, majority of the warships in Austro-Hungarian navy had some of the most important parts of them build by Czech companies - Škoda produced and developed guns, Vítkovické Železárny made their armour and ČKD build ammunition lifts among other things.

How would the coastal part of the tree look like

Rank 1 offers quite a lot of interesting ships, both Czech and Austrian. in line 1, we can find Czechoslovak ships of the danube fleet, starting with a post-war boat armed with 20mm autocannon (which is reserve in the tree), a minelayer armed with 4x 7.92mm machineguns, relatively decent armor and up to 22 mines after that and a gunboat armed with two 75mm cannons, two machineguns and up to 10 mines in the end.

Line two consists of Austrian torpedo boats, starting with the Versuchsgleitboot which is quite revolutionary design. Its basically the very first ship to use hover effect and it supposedly could even lift itself completely above the waters surface, evading enemy mines and port defence nets. Then we have the SMS Kranich, which although preety slow for a torpedo ship is armed with with 37mm cannons. Rank 1 for line 2 ends with SMS Kígyó which is at 44km/h slightly faster Kranich, but also way larger. It also has an extra torpedo and larger 47mm cannons though, which is why its at higher BR. We can also find the SMS Viper in the premium part of the tree, which is basically a slightly worse version of the Kígyó.

Rank 2 has probably the most interesting vehicles in the coastal part of the tree. For Czechoslovakia, there is the DČ-1, which is a heavily armed gunboat which was originaly intended for the German army, but due to the war finishing before the end of the project, the boat was completed after the war and used by the Czechoslovak navy until the 1950s. Its equipped with Pz.IV turret armed with 75mm cannon, and has a relatively good AA protection thanks to the quad 20mm Flak autocannon. After it we can find the President Masaryk, which was the largest and most heavily armed boat Czechoslovakia ever fielded. It is armed with 4x 66mm cannons (2 per turret) and 4x 7.92mm machineguns, giving it decent AA protection for its BR. In the torpedo boat line we can find the Austrian SMS Natter. It is faster than most of its predecessors (still quite slow compared to in-game counterparts), and has quite a good firepower thanks to 2x 47mm cannons and 3x 450mm torpedos. Next up is the SMS Polyp of the Kaiman class, which is preety much a direct successor of the Cobra class torpedo boats. Compared to its predecessor in form of SMS Kígyó, it has 2x extra 47mm cannons (4x in total) and an extra 450mm torpedo (3 in total). It also has better engines (with almost twice the power (1800hp vs 3000hp)), giving it better acceleration and slightly better top speed. Line of heavily armed Austrian river monitors also starts on rank 2. SMS Körös can offer 2x 120mm and 2x 66mm cannons, with 2x 8mm machineguns protecting it from the sky. Its abismal speed is also slightly compensated by its armor, which in some places reaches even 75mm. Then there is SMS Wels, which is in many ways very similiar to the President Masaryk. It for example has the same calibre of both the cannons and machineguns, with their quantity also being the same. Speed and armor is also almost indentical. It would play preety much the same overall. Premium line also has quite an interesting ship in it - the SMS Bodrog. This exact ship fired the 1st shots of the WW1. Its armament is also preety nice, with 2x long 120mm cannons, 1x shorter 120mm howitzer and 2x 37mm cannons for protection against air targets (but these will be more usefull against other small ships obviously).

Rank 3 is the very last rank of the coastal part of the tree. Czech line has just a single ship which is preety much ahistorical. Its a President Masaryk in its very last modification. This update was made during its service with German army, giving it way better armament (mainly AA one) and even new engines. In this mod the ship surrendered to the US army. Czechoslovak army later received the ship back and operated it again. Problem is that before its return to Czechoslovakia, all of the ships armament was removed and it was never rearmed again. Czechoslovakia just never used the ship in this exact modification, but ive added it into my proposal anyway because 1. its a preety interesting modificaton of this ship that would play preety differently than its base variant 2. Its the only ship addable into Czechoslovak tree with good AA protection 3. Allies captured Masaryk in this configuration and it stayed that way for almost 2 years (armament was removed in 1946/1947) 4. The ship served with the Czechoslovak army both before and after this modification was installed/removed 5. German tree doesnt really need it. In the torpedo boat line we can find ships of the Austrian 250t class. These are the most modern Austrian torpedo boats, featuring 2x 66mm cannons, a single 8mm machinegun for AA protection (IRL the mg could be fitted on 4 different mounting points, so if we went with a slightly ahistorical approach, the ship can be fitted with 4x machineguns in-game), 4x 450mm torpedos and a decent top speed of almost 55km/h. Line of river monitors also has some good boats with great armaments. SMS Enns is for example armed with 2x 120mm cannons, 3x 120mm howitzers and has 2x 66mm cannons and 6x 8mm machineguns for air defence. Its armor also also quite decent at 50mm, but top speed is ofcourse preety slow (just 24km/h), which is to be expected from such a heavy ship. It served until the year 1941, when it was sunk by Luftwaffe. Line ends with SMS Bosna, also armed to the teeth with 2x 120mm cannons, 2x 120mm howitzers, 2x 66mm and 2x 37mm cannons and also up to 6x 8mm machineguns. Its top speed and armor are preety much identical to the Enns. Premium line consists of 1915 refit of SMS Bodrog, which replaced 2x 37mm cannons with a single 66mm one and added 5x 8mm Schwarzlose for increased AA protection. The very last ship of the premium line is the Tb-72 F class, which is preety much another derivate of the 250t class and appart from small changes to apperence isnt much different to Tb-74 T and TB 98 M class.

TL;DR: Most of the ships in coastal tree have relatively good armament and in some cases even strong protection for their BRs, but that comes at a cost of preety bad top speed (which is to be expected for big part of the ships due to their age and purpose) and in most cases (with the exeption of some later Czechoslovak ships and Austrian river monitors) preety bad AA protection

How would the blue-water part of the tree look like

Rank I consists mostly of destroyers and light cruisers, some of which are quite old but still pack a punch. Reserve ship is the SMS Streiter, which is a destroyer of the Huszár class. Its main armament consists of single 66mm cannon with 7x 47mm as secondaries. Such armament makes the ship perfectly suited against smaller boats, but it could have some problems against other destroyers and most importantly planes. Its speed isnt great either but it isnt much worse than other rank I destroyers we have in-game. Line 2 starts with SMS Warasdiner, more specifically its 1914 refit. It is better armed than Streiter thanks to the 7x 47mm cannons being replaced with 4x 66mm dual purpose ones and the main armament in front of the ship having an extra 66mm L/45 cannon (2 in total). It also has twice the torpedoes than Streiter (2 vs 4) and slightly better top speed. In the line 3 we can find 3 ships, starting with 1912 refit of SMS Satelit which added better engines to the ship. Its top speed is abysmal, just like other ships in this line, but its armament is slightly better than Streiter (it has one extra 47mm cannon). Next in line is SMS Panther, which is a torpedo cruiser from 1880s. Even though its preety old and slow compared to other in-game ships, its armament sure makes up for it. Main armament consists of 2x 120mm cannons, with secondaries being 6x 47mm QF and 6x 47mm revolver cannons. Just beware of the planes. Last in the line is SMS Tiger, which is overall quite comparable to the Panther, with main differences being in the main armament (4x 120mm cannons instead of 2, 4x 47mm revolver cannons instead of 6). In the premium line we can find two ships - Lung Tuan (which is SMS Waresdinger before its 1914 refit (the ship war originally intended for China, but it was towed back to Austria after the war broke out). It has slighly different armament, with main one consisting of a single 76.2mm cannon and secondaries being 4x 47mm QF cannons) and SMS Blitz, which is one of the oldest Austrian destroyers and its armament consists of 8x 47mm cannons and two torpedoes.

Rank 2 is the smallest rank of the blue water part of the tree, yet there again are some preety interesting ships. SMS Tátra is the most modern destroyer of the Austro-Hungarian navy, armed with 2x 100mm Škoda K10 cannons (which some of you may know under the name Minizini or 100 mm/47 O.T.O. Mod. 1928), 6x 66mm dual purpose cannons, a single 8mm AA machinegun and 4x 450mm torpedoes. With top speed of 60km/h its also the fastest ship in the tree. We can find its ,sibling" in the premium line also, called SMS Dukla. Line 3 consists of two variantions of the very same ship - pre-refit and 1905 refit versions of the SMS Kaiser Franz Joseph I protected cruiser. Its armament is more than good for its BR. refit version is armed with 2x 150mm L/40 cannons, 6x 150mm L/35 + 16x 47mm secondary cannons and 4x 450mm torpedoes. Its armor is quite decent at 90mm and top speed isnt that bad either for heavy cruiser this old (37km/h). Main difference of the pre-refit version is in the main armament. That consists of 2x 240mm cannons instead of 150mm. These are ofcourse way stronger, yet also slower to reload (4-5rpm on 150mm vs 2rpm on 240mm).

Rank 3 is ruled mainly by cruisers. In the line 1 we can find the SMS Novara, which is a scout cruiser build shortly before the war and its among the most modern ships in Austrian navy. Its main armament consists of 9x 100mm Škoda K10 cannons, secondary of a single 47mm QF cannon and AA of 1x 66mm dual purpose gun. Its 6x 533mm torpedoes can be quite usefull even against the heaviest ships it can face, and its 60mm armor can stop wide range of shells. Its speed is preety avarage at 50km/h. Line 2 consists of 1916 refit of the SMS Admiral Spaun scout cruiser. It is somewhat comparable to Novara in most ways, It just has 2x 100mm guns less (7 vs 9) and 2 extra torpedoes (8 instead of 6). Its pre-refit version can be also found in the premium line, with the main difference being in worse torpedo armament. 3rd line has 2 ships, first being the SMS Zenta. This protected cruiser from the late 1890s has quite decent armament, with 8x 100mm K10 cannons being main, 4x 47mm Škoda and 2x 47mm Hotchkiss being secondary and whopping 2x 8mm machineguns being the main AA armament. it Also has just 2x 450mm torpedoes and top speed of 39km/h. Armor isnt bad at 50mm but could be better. Overall it is worse than Novara and Admiral Spaun in most ways, but it has better secondary armament. Next up is SMS Kronprinzessin Erzherzogin Stephanie, which is a ironclad warship from later 1880s. It is armed by two forward facing 305mm cannons, which are slow to reload (1rpm) but can fire 450kg shells. Secondaries are 6x 150mm cannons, 9x 47mm cannons and 2x 37mm cannons, with the ship also being able to use 4x 400mm torpedoes. At 31km/h its preety slow, but it also has a heavy armor with belt being almost 230mm thick, meaning the ship will be hard to destroy by anything less than a heavy cruiser (or a lucky torpedo).

Rank 4 is the largest in terms of researchable ships. Line 1 starts with SMS Sankt Georg. This protected cruiser build in 1905 has a preety strong armament, both main and secondary. 2x 240mm cannons as mains, 5x 190mm, 4x 150mm, 8x 66mm L/45, 2x 66mm L/18, 6x 47mm, 2x 37mm cannons as secondaries and 2x 66mm L/50 cannons for air defence + 2x 450mm torpedoes. Its armor is 210mm at the belt, giving is good protection against cruiser fire, and with top speed of 41km/h it can outrun most battleships. Another in line is coastal defence ship SMS Budapest. It is armed with 4x 240mm cannons (2 in front, 2 in back), 6x 150mm cannost at the sides, 1x 66mm AA cannon, 10x 47mm Škoda cannons and 4x 47mm Hotchkiss cannons + 2x 450mm torpedoes. Its armor is with a belt of 270mm more then good even against heavier cruisers, and with some luck can protect even against some dreadnoughts. Top speed is obviously quite low at 33km/h and air defence is abysmal. Line 2 starts with SMS Kaiserin und Königin Maria Theresia armoured cruiser. It is armed with two 240mm cannons as mains, 8x 150mm, 2x 66mm L/18, 12x 47mm L/44 and 6x 47mm L/33 as secodaries and 4x 450mm torpedoes. Its protection is way worse than that of the ships named before, but with 100mm belt armor, it still has good protection against light cruisers. Speed is ofcourse just as bad as most austrian armored cruisers (36km/h). Another ship in the line is better in almost every single way compared to Maria Theresia. SMS Habsburg is a pre-dreadnought battleship build in 1902. It has 3x 240mm Škoda K97 cannons, who have slightly better ballistics than Krup L/35 cannons of the Maria Theresia. It also has secondary 12x 150mm Škoda K96, 10x 66mm Škoda L/45, 6x 47mm Škoda L/44 and 2x 47mm Škoda L/33 cannons, with the L/45 ones being also usefull against air targets + it ofcourse has 2x 450mm torpedoes. Its belt armour is way stronger than that of Maria Theresia - 280mm, which can protect from anything exept for battleships. Speed remains the same. Line 3 consists of 2 ships - SMS Kronprinz Erzherzog Rudolf and SMS Kaiser Karl VI. SMS Kronprinz Erzherzog Rudolf is very similiar to the SMS Kronprinzes-sin Erzherzogin Stephanie, it just has an extra 305mm cannon, slightly better protection and slightly worse secondarias and top speed. Then there is SMS Kaiser Karl VI. It is preety much a sucessor of the Maria Theresia and is thus better armed and protected, with top speed being sightly better.

Rank V is the last rank of the blue-water part of my proposal. We can find some very interesting Austro-Hungarian battleships in here, Starting with SMS Erzherzog Ferdinand Max. SMS Erzherzog Ferdinand Max is a pre-dreadnought battleship build in 1907. Its main armament consists of 4x 240mm Škoda L/40 cannons divided into two turrets in front and back. It also has a 12x large secondary 190mm Škoda L/42 cannons located on its sides, and 14x 66mm L/45 dual purpose guns, 4x 47mm L/44, 3x 47mm L/33 and 4x 37mm secondary cannons + 2 450mm torpedoes. With top speed of 38km/h, it is faster than large part of its predecessors and thanks to the 240mm armored belt it can take some beating. End of the 1st line is represented by the SMS Zrínyi of the Radetzky class. This semi-dreadnought battleship is armed with 4x 305mm Škoda K10 and 8x 240mm Škoda cannons, which is quite a firepower. Its secondaries consisted of 20x 100mm Škoda K10 cannons (sadly not on AA mounts, so their use as AA is very limited), 4x 66mm Škoda K10 AA cannons and 2x 66mm, 4x 47mm landing guns + 3x 450mm torpedoes. Its belt of 250mm offers good protection against cruisers and early battleships and the top speed is 38km/h. In the 2nd line we can find the SMS Tegetthoff of the Tegetthoff class. This dreadnought was, along its sister ships, the most modern warship in Austrian service. It was the only true dreadnought to see service in Austrian navy. Its armament consisted of 12x 305mm Škoda K10 cannons, with secondaries being 12x 150mm Škoda K10 cannons, 3x 66mm Škoda L/18 cannons, 21x 66mm Škoda K10 dual purpose guns and 2x 8mm machineguns + 4x 450mm torpedoes. Its belt armour is 280mm, offering protection against most ships at its BR, and the top speed of 37km/h isnt that bad either for its size. In the 3rd line we can find a warship of the Ersatz Monarch class. Ersatz Monarch class of warships was supposed to be build between the years 1914 and 1919, but due to the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand few days before the keel of the first ship was laid down and later the start of the Great War, construction of the ships was postponed and they were to be build after the war. They were to be armed with 10x 350mm Marinekanone L/45 M. 16 cannons (produced by Škoda, 4 of these guns were actually build and put into service, being the only part of the ship to be actually produced) as their main armament, 14x 150mm,
8x 90mm, 2x 47mm as secondary armament and AA protection ranging from
8-12x 90mm cannons + 6x 533mm torpedoes, giving it a preety solid firepower. Its protection was also to be preety good, with armour reaching up to 340mm on its turrets and up to 310mm on its belt, offering adequate protection even against its strongest opponents (unless they are shooting directly at its side). Top speed was to be about 39km/h, which is comparable to most battleships. Overall the ships of the Ersatz Monarch class would be among the best warships in the world if they were actually produced and IMO it would be a pity to leave them out completely (but Gaijin can ofcourse remove this ship if they want to keep their rule of adding no paper designs (but its not like they havent broken it in the past anyway, including adding an unfinished Soviet warship)).

TL;DR: Most of the ships in blue-water tree have preety strong armour and armament for their respective BRs, but that comes at a price of bad top speed and preety much nonexistent protection against air targets

The tree itself

Coastal fleet tree:

(open it on this link if you want to take a better look at the vehicles/look at their armament, top speed and protection): Czechoslovak coastal fleet

Snímek obrazovky (203)

Blue water fleet tree:

(open it on this link if you want to take a better look at the vehicles/look at their armament, top speed and protection): Czechoslovak blue-water

(plese note that the BRs are approximate only)

Vehicles in the tree

Coastal fleet tree
Line 1 (Czechoslovak river fleet line

Rank I

Post-war river boat armed with 20mm (BR 1.0, reserve)


Armament: 20mm Flak 38 (probably)

Max speed: About 25-30km/h

Armor: none

(exact name unknown)

OMm35 (BR 1.0)



4x 7.92mm vz.37

22x mines

Max speed: 35km/h

Armor: max 48mm

OMd2 (BR 1.3)



2x 75mm Škoda vz.15

2x 7.92mm

10x mines

Max speed: 20km/h

Armor: none

Rank II

DČ-1 (BR 2.0)


1x 75mm KwK40

4x 20mm Flakvierling 38

Max speed: 30km/h

Armor: max 12mm

President Masaryk (BR 2.0)



4x 66mm Škoda vz.30

4x 7.92mm vz.24

10x mines

Max speed: 31km/h

Armor: max 10mm

Rank III

Bechelaren (President Masaryk 1945 refit) (BR 3.0)



2x 88mm SKC/35

1x 37mm Flak 42

4x 20mm Flakvierling 38

Max speed: 31km/h

Armor: max 10mm

Line 2 (Austrian torpedo boats)

Rank I

Versuchsgleitboot (BR 1.0)


2x 8mm machinegun

2x 450mm torpedo

6x anti submarina grenades

Max speed: 74km/h

Armor: none

Revolutionary design of a ship that has hover effect and can lift itself above waters surface, being able to literally fly over mines and be harder to hit

SMS Kranich (BR 1.3)


2x 37mm Hotchkiss

2x 356mm torpedo

Max speed: 35km/h

Armor: none

SMS Kígyó (BR 1.7)



2x 47mm cannons

3x 450mm torpedo

Max speed: 44km/h

Armor: none

Rank II

SMS Natter (BR 2.0)


2x 47mm Hotchkiss

3x 450mm Torpedo

Max speed: 49km/h

Armor: none

SMS Polyp (BR 2.3)


4x 47mm Škoda L/33

3x 45cm torpedo

Max speed: 48km/h

Armor: none

Rank III

Tb-74 T class (BR 2.3)



2x 66mm cannons

1x 8mm machinegun

2x 450mm torpedo

12x mines

Max speed: 52km/h

Armor: none

TB 98 M Class (BR 2.7)



2x 66mm cannons

1x 8mm machinegun

4x 450mm torpedo

Max speed: 55km/h

Armor: none

Line 3 (Austrian river monitors)

Rank II

SMS Körös (BR 1.7)



2x 120mm L/35

2x 66mm L/42

2x 8mm Schwarzlose

Max speed: 19km/h

Armor: max 75mm

SMS Wels (BR 2.0)



4x 66mm Škoda L/26

4x 8mm Schwarzlose

Max speed: 33km/h

Armor: max 10mm

Rank III

SMS Enns (BR 2.3)



2x 120mm Škoda L/45

3x 120mm Škoda L/10

2x 70mm Škoda

6x 8mm Schwarzlose

Max speed: 24km/h

Armor: max 50mm

SMS Bosna (BR 2.3)



2x 120mm Škoda L/35

2x 120mm Škoda L/10

2x 70mm Škoda K10

2x 47mm Škoda L/44

Max speed: 25km/h

Armor: max 50mm

Premium line

Rank I

SMS Viper (BR 1.3)


2x 47mm Hotchkiss Cannons

3x 450mm torpedo

Max speed: 44km/h

Armor: none

Rank II

SMS Bodrog (BR 2.0)



2x 120mm L/35 cannon

1x 120mm L/10 cannon

2x 37mm cannon

Max speed: 24kmh

Armor: max 75mm

Rank III

SMS Bodrog 1915 refit (BR 2.3)


2x 120mm L/35

1x 120mm L/10

1x 66mm Škoda L/50

5x 8mm M. 7/12 Schwarzlose

Max speed: 24kmh

Armor: max 75mm

Tb-72 F class (BR 2.7)



2x 66mm cannons

1x 8mm machinegun

4x 450mm torpedo

12x mines

Max speed: 52km/h

Armor: none

Blue water fleet tree
Line 1

Rank I

SMS Streiter (BR 3.0)



1x 66mm Škoda L/45

7x 47mm Škoda L/44

2x 45cm torpedo

Max speed: 52km/h

Armor: none

Rank II

SMS Tátra (BR 3.7)



2x 100mm Škoda K10

6x 66mm Škoda

1x 8mm machinegun

4x 45cm Torpedo

Max speed: 60km/h

Armor: none

Rank III

SMS Novara (BR 4.3)



9x 10cm Škoda K10

1x 70mm Škoda K10

1x 47mm Škoda L/44

6x 533mm torpedo

Max speed: 50km/h

Armor: max 60mm

Rank IV

SMS Sankt Georg (BR 5.3)



2x 240mm Škoda L/40

5x 190mm Škoda L/42

4x 150mm Škoda L/40

1x 70mm Škoda L/50

8x 70mm Škoda L/45

2x 66mm Škoda L/18

6x 47mm Škoda L/44

2x 37mm Škoda L/33

2x 45cm Torpedo

Max speed: 41km/h

Armor: max 210mm

SMS Budapest (BR 5.7)



4x 240mm K94

6x 150mm Škoda K96

1x 70mm Škoda K10

10x 47mm Škoda

4x 47mm Hotchkiss

2x 45cm torpedo

Max speed: 33km/h

Armor: max 270mm

Rank V

SMS Erzherzog Ferdinand Max (BR 6.0)



4x 24 cm (9.4 in)/40 Škoda

12x 19 cm (7.5 in)/42 Škoda

12x 7 cm (2.8 in)/45 SFK Škoda

2x 7 cm (2.8 in)/45 Škoda AA

4x 47 mm (1.9 in)/44 cal Škoda QF

2x 4.7-cm/33 cal Škoda QF

4x 37 mm Vickers

2x 45 cm torpedo

Max speed: 38km/h

Armor: max 240mm

SMS Zrínyi (BR 6.3)


4x 30.5 cm /45 K10 Škoda

8x 24 cm Škoda

20x 10 cm K10 Škoda

4x 7cm K10 Škoda

2x 66mm G. L/18 Škoda

4x 47mm SFK L/33 H Škoda

3x 45 cm torpedo

Max speed: 38km/h

Armor: max 250mm

Line 2

Rank I

SMS Warasdiner (refit) (BR 3.3)



2x 66mm Škoda L/45

4x 66mm Škoda L/30

4x 45cm Torpedo

Max speed: 56km/h

Armor: none

Rank III

SMS Admiral Spaun (1916 refit) (BR 4.7)


7x 100mm Škoda K10

1x 70m Škoda K10

1x 47mm Škoda L/44

8x 53cm Torpedo

Max speed: 50km/h

Armor: max 60mm

Rank IV

SMS Kaiserin und Königin Maria Theresia (BR 5.3)


2x 240mm L/35

8x 150mm L/35

2x 66mm Škoda L/18

12x 47mm L/44

6x 47mm L/33

4x 45cm torpedo

Max speed: 36km/h

Armor: max 100mm

SMS Habsburg (BR 5.7)


3x 240mm Škoda K97

12x 150mm Škoda K96

10x 66mm Škoda L/45

6x 47mm Škoda L/44

2x 47mm Škoda L/33

2x 45cm torpedo

Max speed: 36km/h

Armor: max 280mm

Rank V

SMS Tegetthoff (BR 6.3)


12x 30.5 cm /45 K10 Škoda

12 × 15 cm K10 Škoda

18 × 7 cm K10 Škoda

3 × 66mm G. L/18 Škoda

4 × 533 mm torpedo

Max speed: 37km/h

Armor: max 280mm

Line 3

Rank I

SMS Satelit (1912 refit) (BR 3.0)



1x 70mm Škoda L/42 cannon

8x 47mm Škoda L/44 cannons

2x 450mm torpedo

Max speed: 43km/h

Armor: none

SMS Panther (BR 3.3)



2x 120mm cannons

4x 47mm QF cannons

6x 47mm revolver cannons

4x 356mm torpedo

Max speed: 34km/h

Armor: max 12mm

SMS Tiger (BR 3.3)


4x 12cm Krupp cannons

6x 47mm Hotchkiss cannons

4x 47mm revolver cannons

4x 350mm torpedo

Max speed: 33km/h

Armor: none

Rank II

SMS Kaiser Franz Joseph I (1905) (BR 3.7)



2x 150mm L/40 cannons

6x 150mm cannons

16x 47mm cannons

4x 400/450mm torpedo

Max speed: 37km/h

Armor: max 90mm

SMS Kaiser Franz Joseph I (pre-refit) (BR 4.0)


2x 240mm L/35 cannons

6x 150mm cannons

16x 47mm cannons

4x 400/450mm torpedo

Max speed: 37km/h

Armor: max 90mm

Rank III

SMS Zenta (BR 4.3)


8x 120mm Škoda cannons

4x 47mm Škoda cannons

2x 47mm Hotchkiss cannons

2x 8mm machineguns

2x 45mm torpedo

Max speed: 39km/h

Armor: max 50mm

SMS Kronprinzes-sin Erzherzogin Stephanie (BR 4.3)


2x 305mm cannons

6x 150mm cannons

9x 47mm cannons

2x 37mm cannons

4x 400mm torpedo

Max speed: 31km/h

Armor: max 283mm

Rank IV

SMS Kronprinz Erzherzog Rudolf (BR 4.7)



3x 305mm L/35 cannons

6x 120mm cannons

7x 47mm cannons

2x 37mm cannons

4x 400mm torpedo

Max speed: 29km/h

Armor: max 305mm

SMS Kaiser Karl IV (BR 5.7)


2x 240mm L/40 cannons

8x 150mm cannons

1x 66mm L/50 Škoda cannon

2x 66mm L/18 Škoda cannons

16x 47mm L/44 cannons

2x 450mm torpedo

Max speed: 39km/h

Armor: max 205mm

Rank V

Ersatz Monarch-class (BR 6.7)


10x 350mm Marinekanone L/45 M. 16 cannons

14x 150mm Škoda K10 cannons

12x 90mm AA cannons

8x 90mm cannons

2x 47mm cannons

6x 533mm torpedo

Max speed: 39km/h

Armor: max 340mm

(Construction works never started due to the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and start of WW1. Only the main guns for one of the ships were completed)

Premium/event line

Rank I

SMS Blitz (BR 3.0)



8x 47mm Hotchkiss cannons

2x 450mm torpedo

Max speed: 39km/h

Armor: none

SMS Warasdiner (Lung Tuan) (BR 3.3)



2x 76.2mm QF 12-pounder

4x 47mm 3-pounder

2x 46cm Torpedo

Max speed: 56km/h

Armor: none

Rank II

SMS Dukla (BR 3.7)



2x 100mm Škoda cannons

4x 66mm Škoda cannons

2x 66mm Škoda AA cannons

4x 450mm torpedo

Max speed: 60km/h

Armor: none

Rank III

SMS Admiral Spaun (1910) (BR 4.3)


7x 100mm Škoda K10

1x 70m Škoda K10

1x 47mm Škoda L/44

2x 45cm Torpedo

Max speed: 50km/h

Armor: max 60mm

Rank V

SMS Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand (BR 6.3)



4x 305mm Škoda K10 cannons

8x 240mm Škoda cannons

20x 100mm Škoda K10 cannons

4x 66mm Škoda K10 AA cannons

4x 47mm cannons

3x 450mm torpedo

Max speed: 38km/h

Armor: max 250mm

SMS Szent István (BR 6.3)



12x 305mm Škoda K10 cannons

12x 150mm Škoda K10 cannons

12x 66mm Škoda K10 cannons

3x 66mm Škoda AA cannons

4x 533mm torpedo

Max speed: 37km/h

Armor: max 280mm

Some unused vehicles


Armament: 2x 7.92mm vz.24

Max speed: 20km/h

Armor: none

Arimar Scuba X-760


Armament: 2x 7.62mm MINIMI

Max speed: 70km/h

Armor: none

Fadosia and Sibirjak steamships

Number of vehicles as of now:

Rank I: 11 researchable vehicles + 3 premium vehicles

Rank II: 9 researchable vehicles + 2 premium vehicles

Rank III: 9 researchable vehicles + 3 premium vehicles

Rank IV: 6 researchable vehicles

Rank V: 4 researchable vehicle + 2 premium/event vehicles

Total vehicle count: 49 (of which 21 is coastal, 28 is bluewater)

Original vehicles: all of the ships in the proposal are original

Few interesting facts about Czechoslovakia that (atleast IMO) make it a more viable addition into the game:

  • Czechoslovakia basically has a 100% winrate of naval battles, winning the only naval battle it ever participated in (Battle of lake Baikal)

  • It was the largest arms exporter in the world during 1934 and 1935

  • 2nd largest tank exporter of the interwar period

  • 3rd largest producer of armored vehicles overall during the cold war

  • The largest producer of military trainer aircraft in the world

  • Democratic nation with the largest military spening during 1938

  • It was spending almost 20% of its GDP on military during few stages of Cold war

  • 2nd largest arms producer and exporter of the Warsaw pact

  • Czechoslovak goverment in exile fought on most theathers of the WW2 (all exept for pacific AFAIK). Czech pilots are, for example, famous for their participation in the Battle of Britain

  • Bren and BESA machineguns, used by the British forces during WW2, are Czechoslovak firearms produced under licence (Bren literally means Brno-Enfield)

  • Czech Hussites were the 1st fighting force to use gunpowder in Europe en-mass. They even invented Howitzers (or atleast the word used to describe that weapon). Word pistol also comes from Hussite ,Píšťala´´

  • Czechoslovakia was the 3rd nation in space

And now for the pools:

Would you like Czechoslovakia to get added into the game?
  • Yes

  • Maybe

  • No

0 voters
When would you like Czechoslovakia to get added?
  • As the next nation

  • in about 2-3 years from now

  • I don´t know

  • I´ve said no to the 1st question

0 voters
Do you think Czechoslovak techtree could work even without a naval tree?
  • Yes

  • Not sure/undecided

  • No

0 voters

Thank you fo your attention o7.


Works now but wouldnt work if Gaijin want to expand into modern eras like they did with airplanes and tanks.

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Looks cool but this navy also looks ancient


It’s an older navy, but it Czechs out. +1 especially for the coastal boats!


quite intresting; would also be a great meme;
however chinese naval TT should be added first


+1 for the fun lets added.
But there are some things missing like Steamship Sibirjak, Burjat and Feodosia that Czechoslovakian legion used in battle at Lake Bajkal. And no Battle ship Rumcajs? XD XD

Id love to add some warships that legionaires used, but sadly, their photos are preety much nonexistest (atleast i couldnt find any), and so is info about them.

Would be too OP even against current toptier warships :)

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I support this idea for a Czechoslovak naval tree


I don’t get it… how exactly a austro-hungarian battleships build and named mostly by hungarians should be a part of czechoslovak tree? I would see that as more of an austro-hungarian tree, but with hungary being in game in italy some of those could reinforce italian tree.


“Czechoslovak” naval tree lol

I have a couple of reasons to include Austro-Hungarian ships into my tree:

  1. Czechoslovakia cannot have blue-water part of the tree at all and would have a very bad coastal if we dont include Austrian ships, which, at worst, would mean that Czechoslovakia cannot be added (Ive heard having naval is a requirement for independent tree, but that couldve changed already) or, at the very best, make it impossible for the players who would want to solely play Czechoslovakia (as funny as it may seem, there are indeed people out there who play a sole nation and never tried anything else) to play naval in any reasonable way.

  2. Including Austro-Hungarian ships into Czechoslovak tree sounds like a better idea to me than having them added as a subtree to Italy (as you already said, independent Austro-Hungarian tree is preety much out of question, as Hungary is already a subtree of Italy). We are talking about a difference between having a branch of like 5 ships (both river and sea-going ones) vs a fully fledged naval tree. Id say most people (including myself) would preffer having as many austrian warships avaiable to play as possible instead of having to play just the 5 or so most famous ones.

  3. Major components of majority of the ships, including Armament, Armor and Ammunition lifts, were made in Kingdom of Bohemia (at the time part of Austria-Hungary), and they were crewed by many Czechs and Slovaks.

I, however, dont think Czechoslovakia really needs a naval tree. Its air, heli and most importantly, ground parts of the tree would be more than good enough to make up for the lack on naval. This entire suggestion was made “just in case” that a naval tree is a requirement for an independent tree, which is an information i remember reading on one of the QA a long time ago (but they also said Israel cannot be added independently in a similiar QA, and then they added it just two years later…)

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