Czech Gripens A/B - Could be added to German tree

“Hmm, how is the Eurofighter 2k relevant”


Why are you being childish?

No one is saying it’s bad, what we want is another 4th gen for germany, because multiple nations have 6+ while we get 2

utterly irrelevant yes, this conversation is about adding a sub tree to Germany and they spent months without a top tier fighter

Question is where though?

Dude stop living in the past, it was like this in real life, Germany had bad jets until they made the Euro Fighter, get over it.


If you are willing to die on the hill of a czechslovak tree then fine, however it’s simply not viable unless part of visegrad, and that has already been divided up with hungary missing and poland all over the place

So did britain, so did italy yet both of them got a gripen better than what we are asking for?

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dude wtf are you talking about this is a VIDEO GAME, vehicles are added for BALANCE. log off

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Because both of these nations aren’t major tech tree’s, Italy was planned to have minor axis nations for a long time, and Britian to get it’s commonwealth nations

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Yeah dude it’s just a wanna be realistic game, deal with this company.

Their decisions can be a pain to the ass a lot of times but we need to get over it

British isn’t a major tech tree? lmao and just because Germany is one they shouldn’t get a top tier fighter from a sub nation because?..just because you don’t like them?

Don’t blame me, the devs said them selves that major 5 line nations won’t be getting sub tree’s.

are we playing the same game? it’s realistic to play Taiwanese and Chinese jets together? you’re so biased and dishonest it’s hilarious

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Germany has one of the smallest and least capable top tier air lines in the game, they are more of a minor nation than GB, IT, FR, ISR, CN when it comes to high ranking aircraft lol

And asking for a single czech gripen at 13.0 after the Mig-29G isn’t a subtree is it?

no dude you’re the one who literally doesn’t understand how vehicles are added, there is no historical accuracy it’s about balance

Okay, and Germany shouldn’t get Czech or Slovaki vehicles, or even Poland. They have nothing to do with them, they only controlled them in WWII, and nothing ever again.

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stop letting nationalism effect videogames god I hate you people

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