Czech Gripens A/B - Could be added to German tree

The Czech Gripens could be added to the German Tree to add more variety. yes its another Gripen but. the Czech Republic has the Gripen B variant which has not been seen yet.

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I mean yes if Czech tree is added as a sub for German TT.

Russia already has a bunch of communist czech vehicles so there would be obvious contention between those and a potential gripen to germany,
I believe german air should get a subtree for variety at some point but not now, the typhoon is more than enough for the time being


Are you did not tired of clones in every nation?


As stated i was referring specifically to G
ripen B which has not been added to any tree yet.

in the general sense a Czech Gripen would fit better into Germany. 9aswell as the su-25 being a Russian plane adding to why it was added to Russia.

Just like how there is a Israeli Merkava in the US Tree (premium side) and now a tree

As an German Main myself -1 from me,
for what do we need Gripen?
We have Eurofighter…


More plane is more plane. another tree will not just come with 1 more plane but more in the future.

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Shoving same planes into all nations is the exact opposite of variety.


It still wouldn’t be the opposite of variety specifically refiring to the German tree. and for the 3rd time in this thread it wouldn’t have to just be the Gripen A variant it could be the B 2 seater variant which although not very different is unique.

Also (sorry for a 2nd response) I was referring as using it as a introductory plane to then possibly add the entire Czech air tree

You grind TTs to gain access to unique vehicles from that country.
Gripen going to half of the nations in the game makes it a pretty uninteresting plane and makes grinding Sweden that less important.


Czech vehicles are already in the USSR tree and I’m not a fan of countries having stuff in several trees

we’re long past that stage so i’m all for interesting export jets in different tech trees

once again, the gripen is now nearly as common as the F-16, it wouldn’t harm anyone to add another identical gripen C to germany to supplement the eurofighter

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Lets just remove nations altogether and enjoy the mixed slop.

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Ah, German Mains

“Stop giving every nation Leopards”

Also German Mains

“Can we have the top tier aircraft from these half dozen countries please like the Czech Gripen and the Argentinian F-16 and the Swiss F-18”


I wonder how they will attempt to justify an F-15 and Rafale


F-15 they’ve already tried because Germany Trialed the F-15.

Rafale, Good question.