“Give Germany polish F-16” “Give Germany Argentinian F-16” “Give Germany swiss F-18” Now it’s give Germany Czech Gripens, how many vehicles from each nation do you people need?
As many as they need until they are equal to other nations in terms of number of 4th gen airframes
Well, I would prefer more Eurofighter xD
And why?
That’s the preferable choice, ideally an IPA7 next since it gives us PIRATE and other test features
Well, currently we have an Tranche 2 Block 10, so gib T3A )))))))))
To provide balanced and equal options for different nations, one nation shiuldn’t have nearly 10 4th gens where another only has 1 or 3
It looks incredibly unique, it’s such an amazing addition.
Those mudguards and few metal bars on the turret definitely change how the vehicle is played. It’s surely looks more “unique” than Benelux Leopards though.
This is what I was talking about, straight up copying or copying with adding a few new assets is much cheaper than creating a new tank from scratch. Thanks for proving my point though.
M44 followed the same principle as Osa, so it’s becoming a pattern where they hand-pick new vehicles that can be added to multiple nations at a time, effectively reducing their work by a lot.
Nonetheless, Strela was added as a very cheap way of creating more IR-slinger options for 30% of the nations.
ITO is found in France so it isn’t unique.
What’s different with T-72M1 though ?
It’s kind of their own fault that they couldn’t produce any tbh
Wouldn’t add much and it would give gaijin an excuse to neglect the current typhoon in future tech and weaponry
So you can’t provide a valid response, argument over
Shouldnt the T3A get the Striker II HMD?
Fully IFF in HMD like Rafale/A-10C
Should do iirc, also newer GPS bombs and new brimstones
Change T2 B10 currently Using BS 3 → BS 2
T3A → BS 3
I dare you to produce a 3D model of a vintage tea kettle that was actually produced.
Prior to 1960.
Your post talks mad nonsense, demeaning the work of others.
If I dismissed your work hours in the field you actually work in you’d be furious if you’re American, and agitated for other countries.
The Finnish T-72M1 was added as an entirely new model.
T-72A still is its original 3D model from when it was added as well as its textures.
All but the Italian T-72M1s were new models newly researched. Added with the new standard.
On top of the Brimstone change, they could gave it the HOPE and HOSBO too )))))
The same applies for our T-55M, BMP-2D, Leopard 2A6FIN, CV9030FIN, ItPsv 90 and so on, the only maavoimat vehicles belonging to copy/paste are the low tier ones from winter war
I would be very excited for HOSBO glide bomb, would give us a bomb with similar flight performance as a GBU-39 (able to turn sharply down to hit target if dropped from above)
They still look 99% the same.
They still play the same.
They are copy/paste vehicles used as a filler.
T-72A was a known entity and those copies inherited all of it’s stats. This leads to a much easier balance and way less research needed, thus saving many hours of work in those fields.
Hungary and Romania in Italy kinda ruin that, so I suggest giving modern Czechia+Slovakia to Israel, which turned out to be their BFF. Poland is too complicated, and should be individually decided for each single vehicle to which main nation it would go. Vehicles made with Israel, like the Rosomak IFV, should go to Israel, while Leo 2PL to Germany and their American-related equipment to USA and so on.