Czech Gripens A/B - Could be added to German tree

Lets also not forget that plenty of sub trees are just a cheap way of introducing copies en masse.
Just look at Ground Benelux, Finland, Hungary. It’s filled with copies.

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Benelux ground is 1 copy-paste Leopard 2, the others are unique [which a Dutch convinced me the 2A6NL is unique].
Finland is half unique, Hungarian ground is at least half unique.

It wasn’t offered, it was looked at by the UK as possible alternative to the Eurofighter. But it never went farther than that.

Still makes the UK the only other nation with even a fraction of a claim for it though.

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Sweden mains looking on while everyone gets a copy of their main top tier jet and not receiving anything from other nations when they should (at top tier, anyway):

Pretty sure this year will bring us Finnish Hornet at least.



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Czech doesnt have Gripen C only A/B (not trying to argue against your argument just clarifying)

That would be a glorious. Still copy n paste though

How is it better? because of camo net?

The swedes have the ability to get finlands f18 I’m pretty sure

If variety is the sole reason then why not give every single nation the EF? More variety for all = better right?

Because that isn’t variety.
as of now Italy(Hungary) Thailand(Japan) and Sweden. have a Gripen

and for the 7th time it could be Gripen A variant Or Gripen B variant OR BOTH!!! the Gripen B is yet to be seen and Could be added to Sweden as well obviously.

dude what are you talking about, they’re copy paste vehicles a minor visual difference means nothing


The UK also has it. Your suggestion is to make it so half the nations in the game has it. The B isn’t a special variant either, it’s just an elongated 2-seater A.

I love how it’s “variety” when giving Germany a jet it has no connection to other than invading Czechoslovakia, but doing the same with the EF is too far.

Also love how you’re ignoring that Germany is one of the nations with the most variety since they have a mix of western and eastern vehicles including a MiG-29, which isn’t top tier but neither would a Czech gripen be.

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Barracuda being locked to premium vehicles and not accesible to it’s main user nations besides britain is a problem

Isn’t Barracuda only cosmetic right now though?

Even less of an argument for someone not to get a çzech gripen, since it wouldn’t get shipped with AMRAAMs, just the HMS/Aim-9M/BOL combo to give germany a capable 13.0 and one that is A. Enjoyable to play and still susceptible to fox-3s, and B. It adds a gripen variant that gives germany more 4th gens since currently they only have 3, as opposed to some nations 8+

Yes, although I imagine it’s thermal reducing capabilities will be added at some point this year

It doesn’t matter if the new 3D model has <30 new aspects about it, it’s still a new 3D model commissioned AFTER they did hours of research to determine if a new 3D model was even necessary.

Your posts may call everything copy-paste, but that will never change reality.

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you see west germany had a Stealth fighter program which was ended when some americans found out (because somehow the USA just has the authority to do that) and since the first(at least to my knowledge) Stealth fighter of the US was the F22 you could have it in the germany tree as a compensation of the US ending the west german stealth fighter program

This is a joke obviously although i would love if someone argumented like that and it somehow convinced Gaijin.

Germany has it on the premium Canadian Leo as well.