TYPE: Light tank
1x 30mm Mk.44 Bushmaster II
-Shell: 30x173mm
-Muzzle velocity: 1,080 m/s
-600 rounds per minute
-Ammunition capacity: 400 rounds
-The ammunition is banded, automatic loading from channels that run along the inside of the turret ring with a capacity of 2x200 rounds -
2x 7.62x51mm MG3 machine-gun
Firing rate: 1150 rounds/min
Muzzle velocity: 820 m/s
Belt fed ammuniton -
12x 76mm universal Galix grenade launchers
-Smoke grenades
-High explosive ammunition
- Lock on aerial targets
- Thermal camera
- Night vision
- Laser rangefinder
- 8x scope
- GCU-Gun Control Unit
- Advanced target detection system
- Sight and Fire Control System UTAAS
Eigne: Scania 14L DS 12 turbo diesel, 610 Hp
Top speed: 70 km/h
Length: 6.54 Meter
Width: 3.18 meter
Weight: 26 Metric Tons
Crew: 3+8 men
Max wading depth: 2600
Vertical obstacle: 2000 mm
Climbing slope: 50%
Side slope: 45%
Range: 950 km
Ground clearance: 200 mm
Max trench width: 3100 mm
- 30 mm Mk.44 Bushmaster II
- 7.62x51mm MG3 machine-gun
- Rubber belts/track
- Camouflages/decals
- Camouflage nettings for winter and summer
- Fastener for water can on track shelf
- Tools in tool cabinet
- Adapter for funnel, fuel (for tank up jerrycan)
- Towing rope as on Leopard 1A5 NO MBT
- Shackle as on Leopard 1A5 NO MBT
- Infantry headset
- Ballistic armour plating
- Change NBC filter to NATO standard
- MRR installation
- Changes to due to configuration freeze (37 items)
- Dual component paint
- Practice cartridge 30 mm 173 TP
- Minimum distance fire-control system of 50 m
- Prepared for separate maintenance of each battery group
- Prepared for GPS
- Prepared for laser warner
- Fitted with ROVIS vehicle intercom system now manufactured by Chelton Defence Communications Limited
- Fitted with Swedish Saab Systems UTAAS (Universal Tank and Anti-aircraft System) sighting system
- Improved protection
- Prepared engine for 666 hp power output
- Change of IR camera
- Electrical heated batteries
- AMAP-M Additional mine protection kit
- New air-cooling system
- RVC-01 Rear-view camera
- Rubber band tracks from Soucy-Defence
- New and changed camouflage
- Electronic devices to counter IEDs
- Extra Storage Boxes
- Enhanced Armour on hull and turret
There are more verisons of this tank. I will include history about both verisons here. This is the CV9030N F1
In the 1980s, Hägglund and Bofors developed a new armored personnel carrier for the Swedish defense as a replacement for a number of other types then in use.
This vehicle was designated CV9040 and is currently in active use in the Swedish Armed Forces (2005). when the Norwegian Armed Forces were to acquire new armored personnel carriers in the late 1980s, the CV9040 was one of the competitors.
After a number of modifications to meet the Norwegian requirements, the CV9030 emerged, and this vehicle was chosen by the Norwegian armed forces
This wagon was chosen as the new assault wagon for the cavalry in 1993. the wagon was to partially replace NM 135 wagons in the cavalry’s assault formations, but mostly they were added to the existing ones for a long time. The first wagon came to Norway in 1993 and in 1996-97 we received 3 more, the remaining 100 wagons were delivered in 1998
Norway were also the first export customer of the CV90’s and among the first, if not the fist to use rubber tracks on these
A smaller number of the CV9030N wagons, recieved an upgrade for the operations in Afghanistan, featuring many various weaponsystems and additional armour, as listed above. The wagons saw combat, and some were destroyed and soilders were lost. This operation was very important for the future development of the future CV90 vehicles. and a lot has been changed due to these important experiences.
“Håkon håkonsson” is the name of a medieval Norwegian Kong and now the nickname of this CV9030N armoured infantry foghting vehicle of Mekanisert Infanterikompano 4IMEK 4 that was created as late as 2006/2007. The number of platoons within these infantry companies of Telemark Bataljon (TMBN) was meanwhile reduced from three to two with four CV9030N each. Despite the reduction within the platoons the creation of a secound i fantry company increased the total of CV9030 on battalion level from 19 to kow 24
After sweden had introduced the CV90 armoured infantry fighting vehicle by Hägglunds Vehicles AB amd trials after the NATO nations proved to be sucessful, Norway aslo decided for the CV90 with the 30mm Bushmaster II cannon. Shown here are two pre-series vehicles during Adventure Express 97. It is interesting to note that the 100 series production vehicles delivered between 1998 and 200 were only camouflaged in olive drab overall
This is an unusual pictrue as the CV9030N of the Telemark Batalion was not pictured in Norway but in Germany. TMBN participated in late summer 2004 in Bison Prepare as part of NRF certifications. The location was Bergen/Hohne and Munster training grounds
These two CV9030N are the half-platoon of the Kavalerieskadronen reconnaissance company of infanteribataljon Nr.2 from Skjold. They guard along the Balsfjorden on the E6 towards Tromsø. Typically almost all vehicle of the Norwegian army carry a small stove with them, here visible on the right rear hull
This CV90N carries the name “valkyrien” of nordiv mythology and belongs to the Kampeskadronen i Rena. The hull belly has been designed to resemble a ski and thus can in combination with a powerful eigne and a relatively low overall weight assure that the CV9030N has unsurpassed off-road capabilities in deep snow
despite the fact that the CV9030N was developed for use in the wintery climate of Scandinavia it soon found itself deployed to the desert regions of Afghanistan and had to prove its value there , too. The 8 cylinder DSI 14 dieseleigne develops 605 Hp and permits the 26 tonne vehicle on a top speed of 70 Km/h
The HQ and combat support company of TBMN runs this CV9030N mobile command post for the battalion commander. The tactical marking 91A identifies the tank. The fighting conpartment contains a map board and an additional radio
For missons abroad seventeen CV9030N were modernised in 2003 to CV9030NS/F1. They recieved belly armour aginst mines an air conditioning system, additional stowage boxes and a rear view camera for the driver. The vehicles were distributed with four vehicles to each combat unit of TMBN. Thus, TMBN fields twelve CV9030NS/F1 in one reconnaissance platoon and both armoured infantry companies. Shown here is a vehicle pf Mekanisert infanterikompani 3 of TMBN
Still undergoing trials is the CV9030 OPV oppklaringspanservogn reconnaissance vehicle equipped with the Vingtangs II reconnaissance suit by Vinghøg and a 6 metere telescopic mast. The Project PP 5444 is since august 2007 undergoing trials and is carried out in the Panserbataljon, TRADOK, Army School, the FLO armed forces logistics organisation and the Norwegian company Vinghøg.
Panserbataljonen from Setermoen operates aside of its tank company equipped with Leopard 2A4NO a further two Stormeskvadron armoured infantry companies equipped with 14 CV9030N . Each eskadron withinthe battalion has its own colour (blue, red, yellow, green and black). As this CV9030N has a green turret number it belongs to Stormeskadron 4. The crew of the vehicle comprises commander, gunner driver and 8 infantry soilders
-Caliber: 30 mm × 173
-High Explosive/Incendiary rounds suitable for anti-materiel/anti-personnel
-Projectile weight: Approx. 378 g
-Muzzle velocity: 1,100 m/s
-Max. dispersion Typical H&V deviation: < 0.5 mils
-Penetration: N/A
-Tracer: > 4 p
-Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C -
-Caliber: 30 mm × 173
-High Explosive/Incendiaryrounds suitable for anti-matériel/anti-personnel
-Projectile weight: Approx. 363 g
-Muzzle velocity: 1,100 m/s
-Max. dispersion Typical H&V deviation: < 0.5 mils
-Penetration: N/A
-Tracer/self-destruction: > 4 s/Between 4 s and 9 s
-Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C -
-Caliber: 30 mm × 173
-Armor Piercing/High Explosive/Incendiaryrounds with steel cartridge case for useagainst a variety of targets (light armorand matériel)
-Projectile weight: Approx. 363 g
-Muzzle velocity: 1,100 m/s
-Max. dispersion Typical H&V deviation: < 0.5 mils
30 mm NATO plate at 30° at 200 m
20 mm NATO plate at 60° at 200 m
-Tracer/self-destruction: > 3 s/Between 4 s and 9 s
-Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C -
NM 222 MP-T/SD
-(NM) Meaning: Norwegian Model
-Caliber: 30 mm × 173
-MP-T SD - Multi purpose tracer self destruction
-Projectile weight: 363 g
-Muzzle velocity: 1,070 m/s
-Max. dispersion: < 0.4 mils at 1,000 m
10 mm RHA 60° NATO at 1,000 m
Tracer/self-destruction: + 3,000 m
-Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C -
-(NM) Meaning: Norwegian Model
-Caliber: 30 mm × 173
-Armor Penetrating Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot Tracer round
-Projectile weight: 230 g
-Muzzle velocity: 1,430 m/s
-Max. dispersion: < 0.3 mils at 1,000 m
100 mm RHA at 1,000 m
-Tracer/self-destruction: N/A
-Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C -
NM219 TP-T
-(NM) Meaning: Norwegian Model
-Caliber: 30 mm × 173
Projectile weight: 363 g
Muzzle velocity: 1,070 m/s
Max. dispersion: < 0.4 mils at 1,000 m
Penetration: N/A
Tracer/self-destruction: N/A
Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C -
-(NM) Meaning: Norwegian Model
-Caliber: 30 mm × 173
-Projectile weight: 190 g
-Muzzle velocity: 1,480 m/s
-Max. dispersion: < 0.4 mils at 1,000 m
70 mm RHA at 1,000 m
-Tracer/self-destruction: N/A
-Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C -
MK258 APFSDS-T This is a naval round, but it can be firied in this cannon
-Projectile weight: 230 g
-Muzzle velocity: 1,430 m/s
-Max. dispersion: < 0.4 mils at 1,000 m
100 mm RHA at 1,000 m
-Service temperature: -46°C to +63°C
extremely well model created by this website
also a very good perspective
ALBUM (Important details)
CV9030 Infantry Fighting Vehicle | Full history, operators & variants
Amazon.com: Tankograd - Missions & Manoeuvres No. 7016 - Norge Haerens Stryker: Vehicles of the Modern Norwegian Land Forces: Clemens Neisner: Books
The book given out ny the Norwegian Defence Museum
“Motoriserte militærkjøretøy I norge 1905-2005”
- Yes
- No