CV90120 Nerf

Change was Historical, the game is historical, i don’t see why it should use made up values.
From BAE Systems:




Sure, that could be a valid suggestion, however it would mean that the vehicles would get even more heavier, and not by a small amout, do you think its really worth it?

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at this point at this speed it gets, it might as well just be able to become invulnerable to mgs.

Im not sure if that would be worth, however you’re free to make a suggestion in the forum i assume

I wonder where you got the source from??


it would also receive aps. additional armor can clearly be seen at 1:05

im not the best i know lol and level does nothing with the skill im better than the avarage wt player tho and thats enough. imagine getting that mad that you have to go look at player stats to make arguments.
just because a tank got its historical and in real life stats?. who cares calm the fuck down its only a game.

That’s an upgraded version, usually just called CV90120-T (2007)
has APS and the RWS

That being said i don’t really consider the new speeds much of a nerf, at least it hasn’t affected me enough to cause an issue

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does the one in game have a machine gun on the roof? no? because its a different version of the cv90120.

amen brother

i would love for that to happen. I could be added as a modification if not a separate vehicle

Okay the game is historical isnt technically true. The game is o ly historical for most but certain vehicles need paper plans/modifications to help buff the vehicle or to make it viable at many different BR’s. (Im just giving my point people dont witch hunt me)

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sorry for coming off mean at first im just a bit tired it will be a new vehicle pretty sure probly gonna be put in a folder (the extra armored one)

the game tries to be historical unless it inflicts with the game play too much like if a vehicle is doing super poorly i dont think they would give it an -10km/h speed or something etc

cv90120 was the first ever top tier tank i got. played it ever since. would love to have another to spade the shit out of

was the first top tier swede i got and its pretty good but you just have to play ratty do some sniping etc

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by that logic, m1a2s would have a top speed of 72 and not 68

might have not been reported on not sure or they might not think it matters enough idk

Nah i was more referring to the yak 141 getting irst without them ever mounting it. It was planned but never mounted, or the tog getting its parts. Or the swedish low br tanks getting apds that wasnt used in all the vehicles.(also cv90120 apfsds going from 625 mm iirc which now its 600. Kinda pointless honestly when they added the 2a6, dumb when they shoulve added unique finnish patria modles like the 120.)