CV90 MK.IV Implementation Opinion + Discussion + Vote

Seeing as the CV90 MK.IV is exactly the same as it was on the dev server I want to bring up a few personal feelings about the vehicle.

I do want to mention this is all before even trying it in a match so I am basing my opinions off of my 9030fin experience and anecdotal proof (plus using the QN506) of SPIKE inconsistency.

Please pick apart my arguments if you see anything objectionable in regards to balance or the like, I do really want to pick this addition apart as it seems very ham-fisted and rushed.

Also if you have experience with the other SPIKE slingers please use them as a comparison as I personally only have the QN506 (hardly can be called a functional vehicle).

For more info on this vehicle there is a pre-existing discussion which includes much more in-depth info and sources. (Also go here if you have any info to be bug reported as there are already some linked further in.) CV 90 MK.IV data and discussion

"Sidegrade" & Comparison

IMHO it is debatably worse than the 9.3 cv30FIN because you have a kinda competent round at a 8.3-10.3 BR range that’s now sitting 1.3 BR higher seeing 11.7 MBT’s that you might be able to disable but can only have a fighting chance of killing if you are within about 15° of their side when using the MK258 (Not including the Ariete🙏)

^ This is prob my weakest opinion ^


I understand the new Namer Tsrikhon is basically the exact same as this tank even with the same APFSDS ammunition, it’s quite a bit larger and at 0.3 higher BR. But in comparison has a crewless turret, hardkill APS, smaller turret and albeit minor, more frontal hull armour if you ignore the LFP.

Even comparing to the 9040/56 as a sidegrade, the main cannon is an utter downgrade in both AT & AA, especially AA since without proxy the best you’ll do is hit a heli that’s rocket rushing you or is doing a low altitude push, and seeing as the HEI-T shells are ~50g of explosive filler you’re not gonna be doing much even if you use them. When comparing it to the 40mm in both firepower & fire rate as the 40mm will fire faster, pen further and do more damage post pen.

The only aircraft it can face with some reliability is helicopters if you can get a spike to lock onto it at a distance, as it can barely elevate the main gun too so if the enemy flies in about a 40° cone above you it is impossible for you to shoot it with the bushmaster. It’s significantly worse than the 9040/56 in that regard…

Those spikes meanwhile will have less usability than the BILL missiles as you have no manual control over them and you actually have to see a nearly 50% exposed enemy to fire them with any sort of reliable damage after the fact since they seem to love to dive directly onto pintle mounted MG’s and either will actually hit with about a 30% chance of doing real damage or just fizzle out and maybe take out a single crewmember in my personal experience.

Unlike the BILL where if you can spot an enemy via their antennas or just their sights peeking over a ridge or another obstacle using your commander thermals. You can actually fire the missile (at anything but the ground if you are lucky) and top attack them with a degree of success or in more rare cases in tight CQC maps where the BILL is perfect at shooting over short walls and finishing off weakened targets with a direct hit in close range engagements ( >100m).

It could actually be a “sidegrade” tank if not for the fact that most of the maps are tiny or are made of corridors with a flank on the outside (if Gaijin hasn’t blocked it off).

The single positive

Very much excluding the unreliable spikes for a moment, but at least when Gaijin decides to bless you with a map that has open sightlines with lots of hills, if you can lock onto a tank with the commanders sight you can get into a defilade advantage and fire the spike over the ridge unlike the BILL if you are on a particularly hilly map. (Gotta be glass half full with the vehicles nigh ONLY upside when comparing it to its predecessor.)


Closest Vehicle Comparison (Vilkas)

The Vilkas is likely going to be better than this vehicle due to its speed and maneuverability and the fact that it has a crewless turret at the same BR (I have no problem with this, just stating my belief) yet sits at rank 7? Why is this rank 8?

Is this a purely anti player “feature” owing to the much larger RP & SL cost?

(It also has IRST target tracking and they wont even fudge a solution for the more modern CV iteration UTAAS sight I mean cmon.)



Unironically could be foldered under the 9040/56 at the same BR and at least safely ignored or taken purely for the RP farm. The same RP gets you the CV120 and 100% you are not gonna chose researching this over that. It would also actually make it a “sidegrade” and not a time sink.

There are 3 ways in my opinion this could be rectified.

  1. Keep it the way that it is (not including the bug reports stating incorrect stats), folder it directly under the CV9040/56 reducing research needed.

  2. Same as 1. but add the version with the D-Series Turret in a future update with either the 35mm or 50mm (IMO the 50) with the ironfist APS making it the rank 8 it’s currently sitting at and make it 11.3/11.7 (Since it has a higher caliber main gun it would not be the same BR as the new Namer
    Tsrikhon and it would also fit into pre-existing lineups.)


  1. Completely remove the current version and just add the fully upgraded MK.IV with the above mentioned changes in 2.
Which would make the most sense?
  • Option 1.
  • Option 2.
  • Option 3.
  • Option 4. None of the above + Comment
0 voters

decrease the br of bill to 10.0, its missile launcher has no elevator and make the missile useless, only worth 0.3 br, ‘better than nothing’ to cv9040b.
set this one as 10.3, add a new one as 10.7.
this one has the same br as vilkas, but vilkas is superiors to mkiv, and even vilkas is not popular, it’s only 20 ish gjn on the market.

Option 4 Delete it from the game so i dont have to see it. Its wont be fixed so it would be better to just get rid of it.