CV 90 MK.IV data and discussion

35mm better then 30 anyway. And its first free CV with this gun(NL doesn’t count, its not Swedish tree)

We don’t know if gaijin will add the 9035 with the D model turret to the TT. Rn its more likely the later MK.IV and or CV90’s in general could be added as event/premium. So for now we are stuck with the MK.IV with the 30mm

Doesn’t matter if nobody ordered them. If it exists it can go to sweden. The MK.IV on sweden wasnt purchased by anyone. Czech has a different model with hardkill aps and lws. Thats not the version in game. Besides the D model turret can be mounted on the MK.IV so it should be added and imo considering the poor handling of the MK.IV by gaijin we really need the D model turret since the current MK.IV should be 10.3

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sweden has akreon missles in service, and their new cv90 will have them, rb 58 is the name for it

it’s RBS 58 :) they’ve added the extra S as in “system” (same spelling/meaning in Swedish and English) which might mean that it’s not one specific missile but a set of several missiles with different purposes (like for example anti tank, anti personal, anti air etc). If that is the case then that would be really interesting if true :)

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Recent video from BAE on the CV90 Mk.IIIC:


No, the “system” in the Swedish designation does not mean multi-purpose “set”, like the RBS 55 is not a multirole missile.

Thanks for the clarification :)

What does the “System” in RBS mean then? Because the air-to-air missiles are marked just “RB”.

In the 2014 AMKAT there is for example listings for RBS 55 and then further down there are several versions like RB 55A - RB 55B - RB 55C and so on. So i just assumed that the “System” ment that there were different versions.

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To launch a missile, you need not only a missile (ammunition), but also a variety of auxiliary equipment. When they are combined, they become a “system”.

In a nutshell:



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Got i, makes sense now ^^ Thanks for the explanation! :)

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Good to see they have kept the tradition of the banger music for their sales videos



Is there a suggestion for the Mk IIIC?


Not that i know of, haven’t looked in a long while though. :P

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Lmao, they don’t want to face the issues and problems, and re-group this thread into the no-one-noticed-sub-forums. Cheers, no one discusses and the problems won’t be exist. Really genius.


Gaijin boutta make that bush camo (barracuda?) a premium

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If they do that fair play as its pretty broken if they give it the same properties as in real life

I highly doubt it. There are so many modern vehicles that use it that it would be really odd if they made the barracuda a premium thing, especially since it’s a very specific thing that gives a big advantage to vehicles that have it.

Honestly, just bump up the BR of that vehicle and it’s sort of solved (at the moment it wouldn’t be viable to give to any of the top tier vehicles barracuda at all), you trade stealth for facing better opponents. So you get destroyed easier if detected but have a much greater opportunity of flanking vehicles and shooting them in the side/back and taking them out. It could offer some interesting variety of gameplay for some vehicles.

If they make it actually functional as IRL yeah, but i can see them just adding it for looks with no change in thermals

Like with the Leopard2A4M CAN? That’s unlikely unless they have a specific variant of the CV90 that is so close to a tech tree one that it would be weird to add to tech tree. I honestly thought that that would be the case with the CV9035 premiums and that there would be a tech tree one first and the premium one would come with minor additions/changes and a non functional barracuda.

In my dreams and through my hopes i am praying for a CV9035 Mk.IV with Akeron and barracuda for top tier alongside a CV9050 Mk.IV without Akeron but with a 40mm grenade launcher instead (unsure if barracuda there would be to op or not, it likely would be).

As far as my understanding of Swedish missle systems go the missle itself would be called rb 58, missle and launcher together would be rbs 58

Although it’s sometimes a bit of a gray area, same for the rbs 70

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All the Leo’s could get it without any issue, the Finnish bmp-2md can get a similar netting (and it should)

And things like the 9040 wouldn’t really go up in br due to it