I did one like this a while back and was ignored so expect the same
@Smin1080p_WT sorry for the ping but can we assume other CV90 MK.IV models will be added? The current naming convention seems to just Denote that this is the only MK.IV gaijin has plans for. Additionally are their currently any plans to fix the CV9030 MK.IV, so far gaijin has fixed a lot of the vehicles this patch but yet they have not fuxed or touched the newest addition to the CV series a broken and unplayable mess. Im wondering why we cant even get a single answer on this.
(Repeating what i said yesterday as Smin seems to only be active in the EFT posts rn)
Literally any response is appreciated
InB4 ignored for the fourth day in a row?
My extensive one was accepted shortly after the JAS39C was released:
Thats the big difference though isnt it? Thats when the Gripen was still a new vehicle. Once its not the main focus of the snail it takes much longer to get them to change it. Even longer sometimes for them to actually get around to changing it depending on whether its an easy or hard fix. I mean all gripen C’s still dont have their 5th bomb pylon
I just mean that there already is a report for the radar so that the others got denied doesn’t matter that much :) unless there is evidence in them that aren’t in mine.
Im just saying that it shouldn’t take a year for something as easy as a bomb pylon. I mean they just gave the Rafale 8 missiles in less than a year of it being added. Clearly we need the Thai Gripen to aslo bug report it and for the US to get a Gripen and they might update it
It is frustrating to say the least. Much of these bugs are easy fixes, e.g., radar on gripen, armor on cv90s etc. but it takes forever to get anything done and i find it frustrating that they cant implement a vehicle with more realistic and truthful features from the get go.
@Necronomica I reused some of your information and i felt like it had taken so long so i made another one similar just to point things out. I still believe the more the better.
So I spent 400k rp and 2 days on this thing expecting it to be good but its just such frustrating garbage. When you see cv90 mk 4 being at 10.7 rank 8 costing whopping 400k rp you expect it to be better than other cv90s at lower br. I had same expectations when desert warrior came out. And like desert warrior this thing get outperformed by its predecessors in almost every aspect. Cannon - 30mm bruhmaster which is worse than 40mm cannons that have hevt. 6 spike missiles (no-no, no ammo boxes, leave them for ww2 german spg with 999 rounds) are only good against blind heli player or drone that flies just straight. Spikes are “YES, A HIT” champions against tanks fyi. If I want to rip t72 or t80 turrets off I’ll pick rbs56 version, not this fire and forget that you fired missiles. AA abilities are limited to spikes because this bruhmaster ifv didnt get irst or programmable ammo. While 9.7 strf9040b can already delete any air vehicle from battles. I could keep going but its already enough to understand that this thing isnt worth any time, effort or other resources. If you really want spike carrier go for freccia - 10 ka50/mi24 annihilators or yes a hits, 25mm buzzsaw, tracking and fine mobility.
Have a nice day and pay attention on what you are grinding.
Post this in the discussion. I have tried asking Smin but hes ignored all questions regarding the poor state the 9030 MK.IV is in
From the sounds of it the 9050 should be what the current mk.iv is that would definitely be worth the grind. Not that, i’m not researching the mk.iv anyway…because why not one thing less to research.
New Bug report up since my last was denied! Please help upvote if you are experiencing the same issue.
CV90 Mk.IV - Search and Track function // Gaijin.net // Issues
ffs they really hate the cv90s AA mode aye… wtf i’ve never seen a vehicle function bug reported more times than the CV90s AA tracking capability … yet gaijin continue to argue even the most modern systems that are stated by the manufacture at this point has this capability apparently don’t have it because it doesn’t have a module from 1988 … jog mate please … you’re trying to tell me that system wasn’t integrated into the newer UTAAS sights as it a requirement during modernisation… please. (Didn’t know Steel beasts was also a source now) ??
I feel the same, in todays modern IFV versions of the CV90 they all have it built in but since there are no official documentation we cant state otherwise (apparently) but with this one i am trying to force an implementation of the original track function and auto aiming for the gun barrel.
About the Steel Beasts simulator i have been told many times before its not a viable source of information but since they use it themselves nowadays it cant be seen as anything else. E.g., look at my denied previous report about the same thing, the moderator who closed it referes explicitly towards it.
However, i want to point out that upvoting it as the same issue seem to give it more credibility and notice so please do so if you feel like it.
In their own words.
To be the first to fire is crucial. As a first class combat vehicle, the
CV90 is compatible with a range of armaments to suit any customer
requirements. The vehicle is normally fitted with a two-man turret
equipped with the well proven 25-35 mm Bushmaster cannon
product range. The platform can support different configurations
such as manned and unmanned turrets and integration of missile
systems. The CV90 incorporates a Munition Programmer for Air
Burst Munition (ABM) and has a target-driven gunner Man Machine
Interface (MMI) and excellent Anti-Aircraft capabilities.
(The Fire Control System autonomously sets):
• Type of ammunition
• Lead- and super elevation angles <--------------
• Fuse setting – air burst, impact or delayed detonation
• Burst- and dispersion patterns
This significantly decreases operator workload allowing the
gunner to focus and engage on commander determined targets,
significantly reducing sensor to shooter time.
The vehicle’s (hunter-killer function) features an independent sight
system for the commander, enabling him to search, engage or hand
over targets to the gunner.
The optional video tracking module is for this remote weapon system not the UTAAS sight. https://www.saab.com/contentassets/e40e2f9b6b3b4c1f8e4b86080dc36111/trackfire-rws-product-sheet.pdf
The steel beasts simulator isn’t even accurate. It is FAR more capable IRL. All you need to do is track the target manually for a second, laze it once, and then it tracks on it’s own, with the only input you need to do being to compensate for the gun drifting off target due to the target changing speed and direction. The only difference between that and an IRST is that the IRST automatically compensates for the drifting.
Id love to know the name of this illusive VTM that only the LVKV had because there’s no mention of it anywhere i can find. Saab states its VTM is in service for the UTAAS already. we are talking about a module from 1988 when they fire 5 prototypes we apparently made.
Funny thing is that they mention in a video interview that the gun has been moved forward for it to have higher elevation to better engage air targets… smh gaijin
Naa bro it was designed to allow the gunner to admire the clouds during a beautiful sunset…
@Smin1080p_WT can we get a reason as to why the air tracking was denied for the cv9030 MK.IV as it stands right now it seems more like a personal bias towards any of the CV’s since they didn’t even explain why they chose not to add it.