I dont think the moderators know if the other models are in development yet and i wouldnt count on it for the time being.
Idk with how poorly gaijin has handled the CV series i think its more likely they just dont care enough to learn all the information
I think it is true for both, there is admittedly not as much coin in the swedish tech tree but there certainly is enough to keep adding vehicles in it, so hopefully they do both themselves and us a favor by doing so.
But i also think their laisses faire attitude towards the swedish tech tree means they will do the absolute minimum and a smidge beneath that just to keep the tree alive.
It’s a shame as obviously the community is probably the biggest benefactor of information gathering when it comes to swedish vehicles, so my guess is they’ll this CV90 Mk iv version as a Copy paste vehicle 2-3 more times and rely on us to actually do the research, and we’re gonna have to fight for each bloody variant the same as we do for this.
If the attitude to keep the tree alive was true then the gripen C would actually be correct. The air tree is dead thanks to gaijin and their horrible ability to take their aircaft with any amount of care.
Its also fair that with all the messages and pings an no word from anyone aside from gunjob that the MK.IV is of no priority despite being in the worst condition next to the EFT, except for that one they just didn’t fix the radar or collision
Im gonna call it now, the next CV90 will be the Dutch CV90 MK.III D with the 35mm and Akeron instead of adding the 35mm either MK.III or IV to sweden and instead of adding a French IFV it will be the CV90. @Hyrikul i bet youd love that (not) lol
Yeah, i think we’ve all lost a bit (A big bit) of hope in gaijins handling of the at least the swedish tech tree of late.
I haven’t had hope since the poor release of the Finnish TT. Gaijin have shown they have no interest in actually implementing unique vehicles or said vehicles well in the slightest.
All reports have been “Accepted” that’s pogchamp
Yes, but having all the tech tree being and flawed and to such as an extent as they are is disheartening.
I have some hope the Devs actually can and will produce a decent product in the Swedish TT.
I am wary however for the leadership seems to care for nothing but the U.S/Ger/China and Russia.
Accepted means nothing. They could leave them on accepted for years. We need to see actual changes before we celebrate
they can wait until no one remembered this thing released and keep the accepted phrase for years.
it’s funny tho.
just like they kept puma/wiesel 1a2 at 8.3/8.7 for 1 and half year, but increased and changed bill’s launcher after 3 months. Ger main bias.
Definitely not german main bias, money bias for sure but thats most nations. It wouldn’t suprise me if they were fixed as they just have more people openly talking about it.
Sweden just doesnt have that many people playing it that are involved in the forums or if they are they dont visit Nordic stuff at all.
The dutch uses spike lr2’s tho
Really? Thought they used Akeron. My bad then, still looking for the Jaguar for France, fingers crossed that we get the CV9050 when thats here
I think the cv9050 will be hard to balance 200 rof, ironfist aps, airburst and air track, spike lr2/akeron mp with iirc 255 mm ish pen on the apfsds rounds
Naa 12.7 done… Why?? Because why not XD
Why not? Maybe not all of the features at once, but some of them are definitely possible.
I don’t see why IFVs have to max out at 10.7 or 11.0 BR, there’s still room for higher ones.
Another day without any changes to the 9030 MK.IV @Smin1080p_WT can we expect that it wont be changed before you guys take off for the holidays? It seems silly that it would take this long to even enable AA tracking. Literally any uograde would be amazing or dropping the BR so it can be useful.
Out of topic but i made this bug report aswell for the Gripen C but i have little hopes.
Swedish JAS39 Gripen C - Radar modell incorrect distance // Gaijin.net // Issues