Custom hangars (By Gaijin) as rewards from events/battlepass

I’m sorry if this isn’t the correct category to put this type of question or not .

But I would love to get new Hangars as a reward from Events or Battlepass . Seeing the same hangar feels a little bit stale after some time . And I know there are custom hangars in WTLive website but most of them stop working if the creators don’t update their creation when the game updates .

What do you guys think about this ?


As a console player, yes please.


Well , I mean for everyone . It would a nice new collectible ( in my eyes at least )

Movie gif. A doorway slowly comes into focus. A man in a white jacket, chewing something, leans out for a thumbs up.

Yeah, I like it!


Of course for everyone, I just meant especially console due to the lack of mods.

And official support is always better than mods too, yeah.


I think this would be a truly incredible thing and also insanely hard to implement because a hangar is part of a map so they would have to redesign parts of the map or introduce a whole new map each BP. I think a more realistic thing would be hangar decorations, but I would love unique hangars each BP.


Similarly, I would love the ability to pick which vehicles are driving/flying around and shooting.




What do you do…just sit and look at it? Seems a waste of development time.

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Aww :(

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That’s a point . But also like Decals , Profile Pictures Icons , decorations etc . You only get to watch them . But they also are collectibles .


Cosmetic stuff also gives the devs something to monetize that isn’t gameplay-related, making monetization-affecting gameplay changes more likely to happen.

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True . But personally I would like to see the WT Market get more traffic , like CSGO . Gaijin will makey and also people will money through various Collectibles , decals , skins etc

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This is dumb because you know theyd just replace some of the useful rewards for these hangers, if you want le funny reddit hanger go play on PC and download one as bad as the battlepasses are this would just make them worse

Question if they can outsource it or monetize it, possibly through the marketplace.

Stuff that cannot be monetized tends to look like this.


I play on PC . And probably didn’t read right what I said . WTLive has hangars etc. But most of them are forgotten afterwards from the creators . If the game updates , the creators need to update their Hangar too . But most aren’t getting updated .

My idea was a new collectible in the game , nothing needs to be removed from events/battlepass to make room about the hangar as a result . I had this idea based on how other games like Warthunder for example CounterStrike . Which has an amazing market (some of the items are a bit exaggerated in prices) that people go , sell , buy etc . Would it be bad players starting to buy items from others players ( like right now in the market ) and everyone making a profit ? Gaijin will make a profit and people will make a profit .

I agree friends

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