Current Role Balance Between USSR and US in Top Tier

What the heck are you saying bro “Pantsir’s max range against jet”? Are you damn saying that the Max range between the Jets and Choppers etc. are different? Did you even checked the specs of the Pantsir? You can actually kill 16C at the range of 18km. If max is 12km that’s your damn skill issue.


I was meaning the “TARGET LOCK” not the “TERRAIN LOCK” AGM-65D has a 8km target lock and it’s FnF that is what I’m saying

To add further, my article is about ground combat.
Still, we didn’t talk about tanks.
Among equipment that differs in performance in combat between ground equipment,
Participation is possible depending on each situation. If a light tank or anti-aircraft gun attacks the side or rear of the main tank, it can be destroyed, and even if there is a certain performance gap, it can be tolerated.

But the case is different for tank versus Fighter Aircraft
Ground Vehicle cannot resist to aerial precision boming.

Therefore, aerial equipment currently plays a very important role in determining the victory or defeat of ground battles.

In this situation, i attempted to express through a diagram that there is a significant difference in aviation control capabilities (air superiority) that ensures smooth operation of aviation equipment.

Differences in basic air superiority can give one team the advantage in a game. The team with the advantage is more likely to win. This makes game situations monotonous, and monotonous games become uninteresting.

Both the winning and losing teams are users. A game can only be maintained if users have fun playing it. I think the fun of the game lies in the uncertainty of winning or losing.
Winning or losing depends on the player’s effort, skill, etc.

I would say that detailed adjustments are needed to ensure that many users can enjoy a fun experience.

※ More fundamentally, I think that the influence of aerial equipment in ground combat should be reduce.


Im pretty sure it can lock onto tank from 23km maximum if you are using the LITENING II targeting pod on the F16c because I use it at around ~18km range usually and it have no problem tracking from that range because AGM65D uses IR guidance unlike other AGM65 (TV guidance)

Paper ranges =/= range against everything.
Pantsir’s max range against a drone is 20km, against a helicopter it’s 18km, and against a supersonic jet it’s ~12km.
This is because of how each flies.
At 20km launch against a drone, the drone will be within 18km for the missile.
Helicopters are less predictable.
And jets can just go fast to avoid the Pantsir’s missile, ask me how I know as a CAS player that hasn’t died to a single Pantsir after spawn.

It doesn’t matter if it’s realistic or not, because even if for sake of argument it’s all 100% accurate down to the smallest decimal point, everything Gaijin ever released in top tier:

It would still be outperforming in game… so it needs to go up in BR until it doesn’t.

But they arbitrarily stop it from being able to go up in BR by having a “maximum” number (not actually, just made up. it’s their code that can make any number) that the algorithm isn’t ALLOWED to properly balance beyond. So by definition you get imbalanced results when you arbitrarily overrule the algorithm that is inherently defined as ensuring 50% balance.

if they allowed the algorithm to do it’s job, then Pantsir would go up to 13.0, and would exist literally purely in mirror matches of Russia vs Russia with 100% Pantsirs, and would then be balanced and win 50% of the time. Gaijin would also be heavily motivated then to either nerf it or give equivalents to other nations. All of which would be great.

All these problems stem from arbitrarily overruling the balancing tool.

As Similar situation ,

ADATS Effective Range is decreased to around 6~7km Against to High Speed Jet

9~10km to Against low speed helicopter if target is not react to incomming SAM .

So i can say there are still have some GAP.

and if Consider FlaRakRad or ITO , GAP is increase


So basically how most cas players fly. I so far have about a 75% hit rate with them. Main issue is lack of targets.

Lmao. US has the best overall cas lines. Although the harrier gr7 is pretty good so points to the british tree for having that.

It doesn’t that the range for the B, the D can get a lock well over 10km

Pantsir can’t over-perform until CAS is no longer unkillable, which means 16+km CAS needs to raise in BR.
All ten tech trees need SPAA superior to that of Pantsir.
Pantsir is balanced, CAS is not.

ITO was fixed a few months ago to where its 12km range is back to against all targets.
IDK about ADATS, I heard it was fixed but no verification due to no one owning it among my friend group.

Kick that guy out of the thread

So all russian cas should be raised in BR?) Finally

TOR is balanced
Pantsir is not
When my RWS will finally alert me about pantsir missle, it will be balanced
Until that - no, its not balanced

You mean the singular Soviet CAS which is being raised to 12.7 as per the BR changes.
There are over 20 NATO CAS I use is as or more powerful than that singular Soviet CAS BTW.
Pantsir physically cannot frag me no matter what they do no matter what CAS I’m in, because I exceed their range.

No SPAA alerts you of their missiles BTW, none.
All SPAA in War Thunder are silent operators. No RWR locks except maybe TOR-M1.

At around 13:35, Su-25T’s RWR receive a “LAUNCH” alarm from an ITO 90M (CRTL)

At around 4:03,F-14B’s RWR receive a “LAUNCH” alarm from a 2S6

I can go on all day showing to you video proofs that what you have just said is simply wrong: the only SPAA that can effectively not trigger the RWR are the ones that either uses an IRST or uses IR missiles

ITO-90M user chose not to use IRT and instead chose radar tracking, thus is user error.
Same with 2S6, they chose not to use IRT mode, once again user error.

All you did was prove my previous statement correct.

Sorry, I have chosen wrong words. I`m about radar lock(mostly, when spaa locks you, the missle is launched).

Yes, if players choose to use radar locks instead of IRT locks, then it’ll give warnings.
We obviously will agree on that.

Radar locks should only be used for cloudy conditions, which CAS is going to be suffering far more than SPAA in.
Probably the one time CAS is balanced with Pantsir, ADATS, etc is when there’s cloud coverage.

No, since nowhere in your statements you made clear that the only way to avoid triggering the RWR is to use IRST.

You only said “SPAA can’t trigger RWR with a missile launch” which is true only if you specify the words “IRST” or “IR missile”

Be more accurate next time,instead of ending every sentences with the “go figure” treatment

In the past, many aircraft, including the F-16C, had the upper hand over Panchir in the days when there was no GBU drop speed limit, but that is no longer the case. Furthermore, ADATS’ IRST cannot even lock on KH-38 at all. For SU-25SM3, ADATS is just a luminescent target that informs the RWR of its location

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