This shows how you get rewardet in airsim someone can calculate how much sl should you get per kill, but i gess it wount be a negative number, someone should realy do something about it, it has got out of the hand.
It’s real dumb ye.
All that crap just for them to punish the bomber players.
please post final report.
Sim rewards are super easy now tho. You cap at about 600 score,doing anything above that have no impact. Every 15 minutes you get useful actions,and every plane is capped how much SL it can make per minute,also you only get full reward if you land.
But you dont play to earn sl, you play to have fun.
Thats not a good thing. If you reach your SL and RP cap withing that 15 minutes, which is very much do able, you have no reason to leave the AF and risk getting shot down.
It makes players play like ZOMBERS that only wait. That isnt a good thing. It kinde kills the fighters that risks everthyng while flying. In the end every one takes down bases and than run tocthe airfield.
You need to live for 15 mins and get the booster too.
Kills are irrelevant… it’s points x time.