CS/AA5:dual purpose gun

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At the Airshow of China in Zhuhai in early 2016, China’s defense industry showed many different developments in the military sphere. Aviation. A number of models of promising land equipment, including armored combat vehicles, were presented. One of the most interesting exhibitions in this part of the exhibition is the new version of the already famous armored car. For the first time, the VP10 armored personnel carrier was introduced, armed with a CS / AA5 combat module and a new 40-mm automatic gun, codenamed CS / AA5

2.Fire configuration and fire control system:


The CS/AA5 is equipped with a 40mm automatic gun, which can fire 40mm countersunk armor-piercing shells, high-explosive shells and programmed ammunition, equipped with a swing-bore automatic loader, its 40mm countersunk shells can penetrate 140mm steel plates inclined to 60°, and its programmed shells can be used with 87° elevation angles and photoelectric locks to hit air targets
,The CS/AA5 can carry a total of 180 ammunition, of which 90 can be carried in the main magazine and 90 in the spare magazine,CS/AA5 has a gunner, commander thermal imaging, laser rangefinder, commander override control system, night vision device, etc., and has a hunt-and-destroy system, which can accurately hit moving targets,The CS/AA5 also has eight projectile smoke grenades。There are missile launchers on both sides of the turret. It can launch HJ73C/D missiles, and the armor penetration depth can reach 850mm,And the body of the car can be stocked with 4 additional missiles。
【Photo of a breakdown steel plate】


【Buried photo】

【Photo of a spare ammunition box】

【Photograph of an optoelectronic lock on an air target】

【Projectile smoke grenade launcher】

3.Dynamical system:


Based on the fact that the CS/AA5 is based on the Type 08 infantry fighting vehicle chassis or the VP10 wheeled combat vehicle chassis, we can probably speculate on the powertrain of the CS/AA5 based on these two chassis, equipped with an hp 360 diesel engine. The four-axle chassis with all-wheel drive provides high maneuverability and maneuverability, the chassis length reaches 6.9 m, width - 2.7 m, height (hull height) - 2.1 m, the presumed weight is 16 tons, the defense capabilities are about the same as ZTL11, and on the highway it is possible to reach speeds of up to 105 km / h
【Type 08 infantry fighting vehicle】

【VP10 wheeled armored car chassis】




Country of origin: China
Member Groups:3
Armament: 40mm automatic gun
Number of ammunition in reserve: 90
Total number of pieces: 180
Missile: HJ73C / D
Number of launcher missiles: 2 pcs
Number of spare missiles: 4 pcs
Engine horsepower: approx. 360 hp
Highway speed: 105km/h
Body length: 6.9m
Body width: 2.7m
Height of the body (to the top of the body): 2.1m
Depression angle: -6°
Elevation angle: +87 °
Turret type: electronically controlled unmanned turret
Loading method: swing chamber automatic loading
Ancillary Equipment:
1.Night vision
2.Thermal imaging of the gunner and commander
3. Photoelectric locking
4. Commander overtake control
5. Projectile smoke grenades
6. Laser rangefinder and laser alarm system
Fire control system: hunter-destroy fire control system
It has a three-proof system
There is no floating capacity

Additional information on the type of ammunition:





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【Loading hair-type construction drawing】



Army Guide

解放軍輪車火力躍升:CS/AA5型40毫米埋頭彈多功能突擊砲! - 尖端科技 軍事資料庫

国产“灭坦炮弹” 弹芯音速四倍破甲 _大公网

Chinese infantry fighting vehicles | Page 141 | Sino Defence Forum - China Military Forum

VP10带有CS / AA5作战模块的轮式装甲运兵车(中国)

Video Links:

国防科工》 20200828 颠覆战场 埋头弹[搬运]_哔哩哔哩_bilibili





+1,I like this

This would be extremely interesting and fun to play! The rotating breech for the gun is a fascinating new concept! +1


Pretty cool. Kinda looks like the Boxer, especially with the headlights. ATGM on the side is funny too

Very cool auto loader +1


Holy moly another CTA gun v nice every nation needs em +1

Also am I blind whats the firerate of these gun

Is there any Self propelled variant of CS/AA3?


A little faster than 2S38

Yeah, it looks super like the Boxer Skyranger

X2Twitter.com_F9qH_XxXwAAtbhQ(gif) (1)
X2Twitter.com_F9qH_XxXwAAtbhQ(gif) (1) (1)

That is sure alot of moving parts. One thing failed and the whole thing fail.

The 40mm armor-piercing bullets displayed at the Zhuhai Air Show in 2024