Crew Skills Need to Be Removed

Which is simply irrelevant and off topic, even if completely true. Because This isn’t a thread about the BIGGEST influencer on a match outcome. This is a thread about one very SPECIFIC influencer on a match’s outcome, whether it’s the “biggest” or not, which was clearly named for you in the title: Crew skills. Which are P2W, which is why it’s an issue.

Whataboutism - Wikipedia Some relevant background reading for you

You pulling the trigger and getting the kill first every time in a face to face because you paid Gaijin just does not happen.

Nobody ever said “EvErY tiMe”, nor is that ever what the term P2W means. Just frequently. Straw man. It should happen ZERO times. Not always, not frequently, not occasionally. Zero times. because P2W is unfair nonsense. Gaijin has the power to remove this source of P2W, so they should.

I really thought I had posted in plain English.I appreciate you may speak French

The title of the thread is in plain English too: “Crew skills need to be removed”. Not “internet connections need to be equalized”. Not “Caffeine levels must be enforced across all players”. Not any other random topic you dragged out from your closet. Crew skills.

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This conversation reminds me of my one friend who always blamed the controller when he’d lose at Madden. He never did get better at the game. 🤔


Was your controller observably, objectively, confirmably ACTUALLY better than his controller? Because leveled up crews are. So if not, it’s an invalid comparison.

The reason people make fun of people blaming their controller is because the controllers are usually in reality completely identical to one another, so they’re full of it. If one of the controllers was actually missing 3 of its buttons and covered in congealed syrup, it would not be funny or unreasonable to complain about it anymore, lol.

I had a plethora of different controllers over the years, that we all used. The only constant, was him blaming anything but himself for his losses. He never did win a Super Bowl unfortunately.


The only constant, was him blaming anything but himself

So in other words, NO, your controller was NOT objectively, measurably always better than his, if this ^ was “the only constant.”

So thank you for confirming your story was a totally invalid comparison to crew skills.

Whatever makes you sleep better at night. 👌

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“Ability to apply basic logic” doesn’t help me sleep better or worse, but it does help me be right about things.

I’ll make it simple for you .The Gold Star to me in GRB makes little difference.It’s a placebo.
Where the difference it may make difference equates to one kill in four or maybe five games and that is only where it is down to random elements beyond my control such as Artillery strikes where I may be granted the gift of a kill on occasion,Which I have no real evidence of only presumption either way.

Once every 20 or 30 games I may throw off a speculative shot from serious distance and get “Target destroyed” much to my amazment.Is that due to a gold star and good aiming training ? Maybe maybe not who knows.Maybe I just got lucky and would have done the same as a newbie with zero crew training
How do any of us know if the crew bonuses from the spent GE are actually manifesting themselves in game? With most of it you can’t.

So assuming I have maxed Gold Star crew on a certain vehicle what exactly apart from Repair times are you going to attribute with 100% certainty to the fact I have a maxed out crew?

What in game proof do you have regarding the results of Crew training ? The speed of my automatic tank vs somebody using manual? The face to face firing time which could be lag? The fact I saw somebody on the mini map when others are scouting them?

If I round a corner and come face to face with another tank and they outdraw when I have a Gold Star Maxed out crew me is it only because they have a Platinum Star crew?

Seriously focus on common sense and not desperately trying to win an argument.

I have responded to the OP regarding G tolerance which is a certain issue and should in my opinion be removed.Everything else is neither hear nor there for many reasons as I have said and you can’t understand.

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A placebo is a medication that makes no physical change on the system, only imaginary.

So that is also a totally invalid comparison to crew skills, which have a very clear, published, objective, known impact on gameplay. Thus by definition are not placebos.

You made it “simple” but still “wrong”

Once every 20 or 30 games

Crew skills make a difference multiple times per game. One specific one, like I said earlier, such as reload rate, might make a difference every 2-3 games. But that was just one example of one skill. There’s like 12 other relevant skills beyond that example…

What in game proof do you have regarding the results of Crew training

I already told you. Any time you are 0.2 seconds away from killing a guy and he shoots you, and the remaining reload rate on your crew would have removed 0.2 or more seconds from your reload if fully maxxed and aced, then you died entirely due to reload crew skills.

Any time you got killed by a guy because part of your tank was sticking out due to your transmission being broken, and you were 0.5s away from fixing it, but a maxxed out crew would have had 1.2s faster overall repair, then you died entirely due to repair crew skills.

Any time you are shot in the gunner and die a moment before the gunner is replaced even though you’re aiming at the guy already, but your agility isn’t maxxed out, you died entirely due to agility crew skills.

Any time you drive past a brief opening between buildings in an open top and get peppered briefly by 7.62mm machine guns, and can clearly watch your crew shifting step by step from yellow to orange to red, and they die right before you make it across the gap, but you don’t have vitality maxxed out, you died entirely due to vitality crew skill.

If I round a corner and come face to face with another tank and they outdraw when I have a Gold Star Maxed out crew me is it only because they have a Platinum Star crew?

If you give me a specific replay, I could tell you objectively. You can calculate your turret slew rate and theirs and measure the angle, and quite possibly yes you’d have won maybe if yours was aced. That one happens just as often (dying entirely due to traverse rate), but it’s less easy to observe on the fly than the above examples.

You would also be dying to things like keen vision, but it’s hard to notice in game, even though it of course happens, because you don’t know when you can’t see what you can’t see. it’s still getting you killed regularly, though.

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For any of what you said to take place you would need one PC hard wired to another in the same room .As said a million times.Online gaming does not adhere to those dynamics.

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You already agreed earlier that “math doesn’t work that way, and no amount of noise removes a signal”. It is all happening NO MATTER how much other random + or - junk you pile on top.

Asked and answered and already admitted you were wrong. Please do not go in circles. Also please don’t derail the topic, which is again, crew skills

Crew skills should remain, but autoloaders should be impacted by the reload skill.
Just reword the description to be increasing the level improves the efficiency of the parts or some other flimsy justification as used for everything else.

Agreed, auto loaders should not be P2W, but why should non-auto-loaders be P2W either?

That’s jsut not true.

I too take a notebook on holiday - but I can’t play the game on it because it is "only an i7-9000-something…"and just doesn’t react fast enough - I only use it for daily logins.

at home I am at the end of the world and 200+ ping is normal, and 9/10 times I lose “simultaneous” shots (I die, the other guy doesn’t even get hit) because my shot didn’t even reach the server before I die.

very occasionally I win, even less commonly we both die - which indicates to me that servers are receiving my signal just fine when it is in time

But back to the OP - you’ve got to admire his courage of conviction persisting in this nonsense. But not any of his logic - which was destroyed hundreds of messages ago!

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Graphically for you. Go ahead and add a “45 seconds of internet latency” category if you want, would still be the exact same advantage, lol

As it should be, and entirely reasonably.

It “should be” the case that rich people reload faster in matches? …Why “should” that be, exactly?

Joystick is imho a question of your goals.

If you are looking for Ground RB you are for sure better with MnK, same if you fly fighters with a suitable headon punch and a BnZ profile. A switch to joystick might not be the right advice.
But for rare 1 vs 1s in Air RB ending in a real turnfight - nothing better than joystick. Using SFC only is enough, no need to use the hardcore sim settings.
Depending on your own time limits it might be easier to find a suitable generic profile for your joystick, look for the user MOBB. He published a hell of high value stuff like test sheets, MEC guides and ,ofc, joystick setup guides.

And your Wyvern loses not that shitload of speed whilst turning compared to a mouse user…

Back to topic:

Fine for me - but imho a overall limit of G-limits would have the same effect and would put some actual realism in Air RB.

I mean since Maverick we are all g-force experts - but seeing a Zero pulling 12 Gs is the main reason why they are that high in BR.

Real WW2 (my thing) dogfighting was often a question of a mix of power needed to use the controls and the individual fitness and attention level. Even today the dryout of longer flights extends reaction time and lowers attention - at least if you can’t drinks as they forgot the toilet in your fighter…

Regarding your parallel exchange - imho a dead end as nothing what is written here is suited to change the overall position of gaijin - rather bad economy of Ground RB compared to other multi-spawn modes accompanied with additional income by acing a crew with GEs, which might be suited to win a CQC due to superior reload or anything else - in case the connection quality is the same…

So as long as the money flows - why change/reduce potential income?



IRL crews have not the same skills, thats a fact. But hey, you should not be able to level up skills in game by investing cash.

Think on this - The Japs in WW2 had one of the best fighters in 1941 and highly trained crews. With the course of the war the crews were less and less trained which turned the very best fighter into becoming crap as crews were no longer having their skills - if IRL someone could by skills for one of these pilots in WW2, the Japs would be governing the pacific now.

But since skills you cannot buy in IRL, not in war times not at Universities, i think we should stop this possibility here too ;-)

With some, you can.There is a timer running in arcade for reload. And that works (now).

But I had the same thought. If due to an error, a skill would stop working, most people wouldn’t notice. We had that several years in the past and it took quite some while before people realized that it didn’t work.

Some crew skill effects are measurably obvious, while others are totally obscure. This is made worse by people, who do not even know what exactly this crew skill governs. (like me for some skills)

Imho, the main aspect is for people to believe in it. And then buy a new controller, aka crew skill.

This is what you believe, because the book tells you so. You have not proven it and likely you have never run a precise test on it either. You have never established the variance in the result. This is not blame. I just say (from a scientific point of view) this is the manual stating something. Like fuel efficiency. But when you drive, you never get that fuel efficiency.