Crew Skills Need to Be Removed

People don’t read anymore before answer. It shows how people answer without thinking first.

That includes Defensive armament which is obviously irrelevant for most things, which drops it from 33.8k down to 23.5k, where another 6.4k is just reloading on the airfield which would drop the XP required to 17.100.

Ground is 71k and practically all of it is performance related, the bulk is keen vision, repair, agility, and vitality… then tank driving, targeting, rangefinding, reloading, leadership… maybe you leave out artillery and radio communication, which puts you at 69k.
Which leaves you with ground requiring 4 times the XP.

And that is for a single vehicle, air RB is one but ground RB is not, although this is yet another reason why it’s becoming a single spawn mode.

If you want at least 3 vehicles that’s 207k crew xp, which requires 20 million RP in game vs 1.7 million for air players which will easily require a 100 hour grind just to get 3 out of 10 or 3 out of a 100 slots to be a competitive crew.

You keep shifting goalposts after you have been shown to be wrong. Won’t work on me.

Yeah, lets pretend you need to level up your gunners for a competitive plane crew.

Crew skills are yet another variable that can and will bring unbalanced matches, especially in GRB where you will have an option to spawn multiple vehicles.

First of all, let’s talk about low-mid tier games, because I feel like the difference of crew skill levels between players there is probably the highest.
Someone new coming into the game will have, obviously, all crews at level 0, while someone more experienced will easily have most important things maxed, or even worse, Expert or Ace crew qualification.

Unfortunately, this will just stack up with unbalances created by MM that doesn’t take anything into consideration when pairing people for a match.
Veterans not only will have much more experience and skill, they will have, at the same time, better performing vehicles as well which is laughable if you ask me.

Second of all, crew point allocation in general is highly unbalanced between modes, especially so when comparing ARB to GRB, in which former will only need a single crew slot while latter will need many more (often half a dozen). This wouldn’t be a problem if GRB crew required less points to be maxed, but sadly that’s not the case.

Generally speaking, GRB crew needs 71k points to be maximized, while ARB one only needs 34k, which isn’t even half the amount. Obviously, some might argue that many skills in there aren’t important/needed or are just outright useless, so let’s consider the essentials-only of GRB crew:

  • Driver + Gunner + Loader + Commander (without Keen Vision included) = 10 233 + 11 253 + 13 234 + 12 273 = 46 933 points

That being said, it’s clear that maxing out GRB crew’s essentials takes substantially more points than totally maxing out ARB crew with all bells and whistles.
Also, one could also argue “Defensive armament” section in ARB crew is irrelevant for loads of planes, especially higher up you go, but I won’t go into that, since even with that section taken into consideration, it’s clear Air crews take way less points to max out.

This unfairness continues to grow when you take in the consideration that, without using GE, one can have 5 crew slots so every number said above should get multiplied by 5 and at that point, difference become astronomical.

Crew skill is yet another legacy system that is in a dire need of rework, just to bring more fairness and also more equality between game modes.

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While this is true on first glance, upon closer study, it isn’t quite like that. GRB assumes the use of tanks and planes. If you train your planes in ARB, you can quickly pile up crew points and transfer them to tank crews.

I would not be surprised if this “imbalance” is actually a wanted feature that pushes serious players into developing plane skills too.

If you take your idea serious, it should be multiplied by the average number of crews spawned per match. Given the ODL frequency, this value will be far less than 5. I agree with you though, that setting this value to 1 for GRB is too low.

You missed the point for ARB you only need 1 good crew, GRB is another story

People aren’t forced to bring aircraft in GRB, they are nothing more than an optional choice.

Not everyone is interested in planes.

ODLs happen for variety of reasons, not just because you play with a single vehicle all the time. Much better option would be looking at average lineup size and take information out of that.
By the way, I just took that value (5) as an example, obviously many people will have extra slots bought with GE so at that point, even more grind is required.

It takes more than double the points in order to fully maximize Ground crew when compared to Air one (71k vs 34k), which means we should have 50% reduction of points needed just to get in line with Air, without even taking multiple-vehicle lineups into consideration.

Just a quick idea:

  1. Significantly reduce total amount of points needed to maximize Ground crew (from 71k to X)
  2. Further reduce the new total amount of points (X) needed considering how many crew slots are available (divide X with Y, where Y is for example 5 or however many slots you have).
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Not at all. In fact, you missed my point. You can use planes on all your slots and transfer points to tank crews. If you can fly.

From your own argument, that one air crew will (relatively) quickly have all skills and could contribute crew xp to tank crews. If you don’t do it, you just waste the skill points.

“People arent forced to skill their crews in WT. That is nothing more than an optional choice.”

If you want to fly.
I fixed it for you.

This requires people to play game mode which they might not enjoy.
That being said, only 1% of your earned RP from RB is transferred to crew points, which means you’ll need to earn ~4.7m RP in order to get enough crew points to just maximize ground crew’s essentials. Now multiple that several times and it looks like you could get to rank 8 in the Air tree before getting enough crew points to kit out all of your free slots lmao.

You are grasping at straws now.
Not bringing aircraft into a game won’t affect the performance of your ground vehicles in any way, which can’t be said for crew skills.

Actually, it is you who suggests to play chess without touching the queen.

But fine, I enjoy my crews, you enjoy yours.


Surely by the time you get to top tier your crew would be heavily trained anyway? You can add training by SL and not pay GE.The only way you get no crew training in top tier is if you are doing the opposite of what you say and pay big money for a top tier premium with no prior experience of the game.

You are contradicting yourself.Another example of “I don’t have it ,so nobody else can”
You are also taking mere milliseconds in crew training ,hardly makes a difference to a good player.I lept in and bought a Chinese Tank at 4.0 with no previous involvement with China and still got multi kills in it with zero crew experience. Bit different to a fast Jet but why are you top tier with zero crew?

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First of all, ground trees have as many vehicles as air trees, so I would say, at least from that perspective, there are no queens and pawns anymore.

Good job bringing absolutely nothing to the discussion, since your only “argument” was: “j-j-just play air bro”, which is, as your name suggest, nothing more than a dud.
One of your “advices” consist of a player grinding through an entire air tree before having accrued enough points to spend on a viable ground lineup.

On the other hand, I’ve shown that you need more than twice the points to finish your GRB crew while at the same time, not being limited to a single respawn, which means that in some cases you’ll need to spend 5-10x or however more points in order to maximize your loadout’s efficiency.

This is far from being optimal/fair and you know it, but only thing I don’t know is why are you defending such a flawed, legacy system in the first place.

“Ad Hominem” is always a good indicator for lack of arguments and telling about a character.

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Lack of arguments ?
I don’t know if you have troubles remembering stuff or you haven’t been bothered to read it at all, but just few posts ago I’ve made a wall of text describing multiple issues with current crew skill system, and in all honesty, numbers do check out, everything I said is factually correct.

Admittedly, you tried using ODL argument but haven’t considered the fact many people will ODL, regardless if they have 1 or 5 vehicles in their lineup, so ODL statistics shouldn’t be taken into consideration and something else should be used (I even gave an example).

Other than that, you provided zero counterarguments that aren’t “just play planes bro, play the queen, not the pawns”.
I’m also still curious why are you defending this obviously flawed system, what will you lose if something gets changed for better ?

And the first part is all it takes. Put a veteran in a zero crew with an uspaded lineup and put him against a green player with aced everything. The result will be a bloodbath. Guess for whom.

Not necessarily, even after playing this game for 10 years I don’t have a crew near 150 at all with how the xp requirement vastly increases at higher levels, and every time you start a new nation, as there are 10, you’re nowhere for the longest time.

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SB is not any “harder” than AB. No (symmetric) pvp game in the world is any harder or easier than any other pvp game. Because any and all advantages or disasvantages you have, the enemy ALSO has those, completely canceling it out.

The average win rate is 50% no matter what, the average KD is 1.0 (ignoring J-ing out and drowning lol), etc.

Even if a game has more rules and things to learn, that ALSO applies to the other guy, your enemies will more often not be fully aware of all the rules and mechanics and skills yet, just like you. So that ALSO cancels out.

It all boils down to human intelligence vs human intelligence, and with teams randomly distributed, that’s equal on both sides. So all modes are equally difficult. All GAMES are, chess is exactly as hard as ground AB, which is exactly as hard as basketball.

Edit: meanwhile your own SB win rate on your own stat card is 6% HIGHER than your RB win rate and 7% higher than your AB win rate, dude… you find it easier than all other modes yourself but call it harder? Huh?

tl;dr all modes should have exactly the same multipliers for everything, including crew skills, the only exception being if some multiplier is per minute and the matches are longer or shorter in one mode.

“Not necessarily, even after playing this game for 10 years I don’t have a crew near 150 at all with how the xp requirement vastly increases at higher levels, and every time you start a new nation, as there are 10, you’re nowhere for the longest time”

I get what you are saying.Humans have similar G force tolerances so why SL even comes into it is a mystery in a game based on realism.I have been playing 3 years and have maxed crews on my planes but I only play really GRB so point taken.