Crew Lock doesn't make sense

If i bring an entire lineup of lets say 6-7 vehicles,and after dying to spawncampers three times,if i leave the match i will get a lets say a Crew lock for 3-4 minutes.

But if i bring only ONE vehicle into the match,and i straight die in it in the first 3 minutes i will be just fine to go into the next match without any penalty… How does this make any sense?


You don’t receive crew lock for the vehicles you played.

You didn’t bring crew to suffer from crew lock.

The vehicles you play are not crew locked, the ones you aren’t are.

That’s why ODL is encouraged. ODL has to be encouraged due to Gaijin’s current balancing around premium vehicles.

Crew lock is necessary to have a marginal penalty for leaving the game without trying.

Crew lock partially also acts as an anti-botting measure to ensure that if a bot bombs a base and then crashes, they can’t instantly go into another game.

Was about to make a thread on this but saw this thread. Did the new system of crew lock get more idiotic? Even if all my tanks play and play well, still i get crew lock, wtf for? I don’t understand.
What’s the logic behind this new system?

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Had 4 games today same thing played my 3 tanks died to spawn rushers, left match had a 6min lock on all of the crews, bit of a joke

Or worse yet, having a full lineup and getting crew locked for 8 minutes because you had a few points left on a dead game.

I understand the crew lock from a different perspective. Look at it this way and it might not bother players so much.

If you enter a battle, you are taking tanks or planes, and crews to drive/fly them.

Think of them as REAL crews. They are in battle now and they will be till the end of said battle. If you then leave because you are not happy, you have already allocated your crews to a battle. They are sitting there “cocked, locked, and ready to rock”, but you are not there to use them. You have moved to a different battlefield, not them, so you can’t expect them to go AWOL to follow you.

Crew lock used to bug the hell out of me, but when i looked at it “that way”, it doesn’t bother me any more as it makes sense. It’s psychological.

For me, the crew lock should start as soon as you spawn in your first vehicle, without any delay so 1DL are still crew locked even if they stay for 2 seconds.

I’m in favor of crew lock in principle, but you’re right, the current implementation makes no sense at all.

It penalizes the players who try to play the game as intended, but favors ODL players who only have a single vehicle in their lineup.

With the current implementation, it would be better to remove the feature completely.

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like bots cant just wait and join again LoL

I belive crew exists to stop bots ?

Yeah, don’t complain about one death leavers if i play and have whole lineup at 8mins crewlock.

Not my fault gaijin is making it hard for players

How to fight it? I bring some crappy ww2 plane to lineup, get into it and just crash it to dump leftover points. Helps sometimes

Crew lock is logical. It’s cheaper to provide a disincentive for people to quit games than to address the issues that make people want to quit games.