Crew Cooldown from ejecting/crashing is stupid

Say for example you killed a guy with a missile, but to get the shot on them, you have to fly close to a mountain. This causes you to get the kill but then crash into the mountain. Now you have to wait 5 minutes to play again. Imagine you are taking off in ARB, but you go too fast for a second and you lose your landing gear on the ground and plummet into a tree. wait 9 minutes.

This is really stupid and it just makes me want to quit the game if every time i die without getting damaged I have to wait for a stupid timer to go down.

The worst is, if you get booted out of the match for shitty PL or Ping, then you have to your whole crew locked, and have to wait for the timer to run out again.

Go play another nation for a game or two?
You should wait until the game ends anyway before going again so you don’t have RP fall into the Snail hole…

CL is done to discourage players from trying to game the system by crashing out to avoid giving a kill to another etc. It sucks but we can’t have nice things etc.

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You actually can avoid it if you log out and log in, game will then suggest you to return to ongoing match

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So closing the game and reopening after you were thrown out? Thanks very much, I will try it the next time i get bad post latency.

Don’t even need to close thing, just log out/change account and then log in

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