CR2s and CR3 need to be completely reworked

The black night and challenger 3 TD hardly show any qualities to justify them being 11.7 both only have 1200HP engines both have absolutely no armour on the lower glacis and the black night has a mediocre APFSDS that is one of the lowest for 11.7 the only redeming quality is the iron fist which basically gets used up in 5 minutes because youre a literal turtle without a shell and for the 3 TD it has absolutely no spall liner and got nerfed then proceeded to be repeatedly kicked by gaijin until its only redeeming quality is the DM53 so i ask how in Gods green earth is that the same BR as the leopard 2a5+ they all have over 600mm of penn actual armour and can go 12kmh faster and accelerate much faster not only is this horrifically unbalanced but its just straight laziness by the devs the only decent tank is effectively a leopard copy without the dm53 and without good armour so just a cheap knockoff not to mention the closest light tank is the desert warrior which is effectively a slightly worse bradley M3A3 this literally leaves no choice for britain mains to spend 6 minutes going at snails pace to s sniping spot only to get 1 kill and the game ends this stupid asf and needs to be adressed

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