And i mean MOST players, Take a look at 9.7 Right now, MOST 4030s leave after 2 deaths and no kills.
Some stick around, even fewer actually do decently.
but MOST players are never going to figure out how to play this thing, because it requires more thinking than the Standard leopard 2 or Abrams “Hold W and Win” Gameplay.
Why do you think the British tree is so Unpopular? because they actually build Tanks, not GO carts on tracks with Overperforming composite armor.
You can still play hull down on a lot of maps and even if not this tank still outmatches most anything it faces, tanks are not balanced on what bad players do, if that was the case M1 Clickbait would be 10.3 lol, this tank has the same weakness an Abrams and Leo2a4 have with similar gun handling, reload and round. The only thing the other ones have is acceleration and bad thermals. Not enough to justify a +1 br difference imo especially when you compare it to other 9.7 tanks
No, it out matches anything it fights IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
Otherwise its Worse than any other 9.7 MBT just due to the fact its slow, and inconsistent on every front.
Would you call the TOG II overpowered? Just because some players(LIKE ME) Can get upwards of 20 kill games in Max uptiers? While its still just a big, fat, slow target, that anyone with half a brain can kill in a single shot?
I certainly wouldn’t.
Some Vehicles just aren’t for most of the player base, and only useful when in the hands of good players (Which are few and far between these days)
That inherently is a issue as well, Player’s just don’t Think anymore, They just smooth Brain their way to the top, and never properly learn Weak spots, or how to use Map positions, or anything.
I have been playing this game since 2016, i know its ins and outs better than a good 80% of this playerbase.
I can make Mediocre vehicles absolutely obliterate teams. Hell i do it all the time in my Black Prince.
You’ve just described every vehicle in the game, the fact that it can outmatch every vehicle at its br is the balancing factor. NOT BAD PLAYERS
It’s also very hard to one shot, I’m not sure where you’re getting this from, it usually takes 2-3 shots minimum to kill it simply by taking a reasonable ammo load.
You’re obviously a British main that doesn’t want it nerfed. It clearly should be 10.0
There is no better mbt at 9.7, not the Sabra, not the T64BV, I have a ton of games in both and they don’t even compare.
This place is for discussions, disagreements and to show the general sentiment.
You are incapable of handling disagreements or discussions of said disagreement and are most often
belligerent to any other views, even when the other person is factually correct like yesterday. Unless you can grow up and handle people pointing things out that you were incorrect on I recommend not looking at the forum
Heavytanker appears on the forum every so often, claims to be an expert and is very hostile to people who correct issues.
two days ago he tried to correct edfrancis001 on some things about the rolls royce meteor trialled in a crusader tank, Ed is the guy that runs the youtube channel “armoured archives” he’s one of the most knowledgable people on tanks in the community by a significant amount, Coneofarc and the chieftain have used ed as sources for their own videos he’s that respected.
He was also telling me to foxtrot oscar because I’ve corrected him on things he’s been defiantly wrong about several times over the last year. Some people just think they are experts when they arent
Ive seen him around man yeah. had the odd debate with him when hes saying stuff like the L15a3 is worse on the Shir 2 or whatever it was.
HMmmm mayhaps i need to ask this Ed a few questions, Is he well versed in chieftains? specifically the L11 cannon and its munitions?
If hes in that level of regard then I surely could pick up a few things.