Countermeasures stop working after a while

So in any plane i fly in simulator im not sure if this also happens in rb since i don’t really play it, sim is my main gamemode but, after flying in a plane i sometimes aren’t allowed to use my counter measures as if they get broken or something, like i will have 192 chaff/flare left but i can’t use them anymore please can this be fixed asap it gets annoying when ever you get into a dogfight in sim, u have to rb mid way thru your fly out.

Check in your key binds, there are 4 modes of CMs, chaff only flare only both or none, it could be possible you switched to no CMs. Not ruling out bugs cause I had this as well, IDK about the CM modes at the time. U have links to replay or can u tell me which ones u have experienced this with?