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Where are you getting br 10.0 from?
I completed this using 8.3 vehicles
This is also where Squadron vehicles are a good thing to have unlocked.
The only plane I could reasonably use to do guided munitions tasks is:
Which is 10.7
Which I do not yet have but might get in some… 26 more EC matches. None of my current U.S aircraft have guided munitions. None of my british (given it’s spitfires), none of my german (given it’s fw190s and bf109s) and none of my russian ones either.
Oh, and you cannot do an aircraft based battlepass task in EC anyhow. A lot of aircraft tasks were not allowed in SB.
Works fine at 8.3
Also the Scimitar with bullpup missiles which is 8.7
Do what most people do and dont buy it until after you reached the reward you want.
Doesnt sweden get a reserve heli at 7.7 with atgm?
None of my squad vehicles have any weapons which apply, not even the Harrier FRS.1
Sure, a battle pass task that requires someone to actually be able to use a helicopter with 2.5km SACLOS.
Also, this sort of response is just completely missing the point. Having these borderline impossible tasks for half of the player base helps no one, is fun for no one, and only harms everyone involved.
The battle pass tasks have been getting more annoying and the rewards less appealing all year. Gaijin will continue making it worse until people complain. Defending tasks like this only makes it worse.
Toxic positivity is a thing.
" Your post was flagged as inappropriate : the community feels it is offensive, abusive, to be hateful conduct or a violation of our community guidelines."
Is this gaijin censoring criticism of their cashgrab nonsense?
A player flagged it. If staff did it, it would of said “staff” instead of “community”
Hunter and the Skyhawk have capabilities, as well as the F5.
My only problem with controlled rage is, why do ground to air missiles not count for it?
Scimitar is MCLOS. I suspect only the top few percent of WT players are capable of hitting anything at all with those. The best you can do is suicide with them as rockets, and that doesn’t even seem to work very well.
You can’t get close to the battlefield in helicopters unless you’ve spent tens of hours practicing, you can’t hit anything with the MCLOS missiles for the same reason, and once you get to actual self guided missiles you’re into the territory of AA being too difficult to get near.
The fundamental point is that this task is FAR FAR FAR too difficult for the battle pass, and effectively makes the battle pass impossible to complete for the majority of WT players.
Like I said, the BP isn’t a skill check. It’s a contrivance to get more money from people, and to that end it should not have impossible tasks, it should just be time consuming, not frustrating and impossible.
Being impossible makes it feel bad, and when it feels bad people won’t do the next one. It’s a poor decision.
I already cancelled my plans to buy any pack vehicles because of it. It’s just that frustrating.
They’re not player guided I’d assume. Whilst you’re locking on to planes, everything is done by the seeker in that sense.
Several of them pretty much require you to guide them from hand.
But why? There’s nothing really worth flagging for unless you’re a long-gone fanboy who melts at any criticism.
Maybe try those ones specifically and see?
Otherwise, even suggest they are added to the task in the future if they are fly-by-wire style.
Yeah don’t try to guide them that’s just asking for a headache. Think of them as unguided rockets, point and shoot.
The biggest issue is pulling the Scimitar out of a dive, so take that into account when deciding when to fire.
You can’t get close to the battlefield in helicopters unless you’ve spent tens of hours practicing
lol, lmao even
Yeah this is too niche. Whoever decided to put this in is either really desperate for people to engage in high tier, or too low IQ to realise that 90% of players wont complete this.