Control the Opacity of the Mouse Joystick Borders


When flying with Full-Real Controls using Mouse Joystick, this is how the interface looks like:

As one can see, the big white bars are quite opaque and can lead to additional blindspots while maneuvering.

Furthermore, the marking of the “center of the screen” (that little sphere you can see in the second screenshot within the gunsight) can provide a undesirable advantage when trying to shoot with gunsights turned off.

As such, I’d like for the option to be made available either in Air Battle Settings or battleinterface settings to control the opacity of mouse joystick “center of screen” marker and the “border bars” with the option to turn them off entirely, leaving only the white ball (the cursor marking position of your joystick) visible. This can manifest as a slider for opacity (where 100% is the current setting) and a on/off switch for turning it off entirely. If the opacity slider has 0% set to “only the little white ball shows”, then we don’t need the on/off switch button.

These white bars are useful when learning mouse joystick and toying with settings, but I feel they become an impediment once you are familiar with the limits of your control area.

There already exists precedent for turning off specific parts of the UI/HUD, so I do not believe this to be a significant request.

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