Control setup help for pods- Top tier

Does anyone have an idea or setup for camera zoom in pods?
Currently i have ctrl - shift for thrust (highest sensivity) and scroll to slowly change it (for example going to 101% wep)
I have right click for zoom which for some pods is just too much. I am looking for an option to zoom out slightly without going all the way out.

I’d recommend dropping the mouse scroll wheel for thrust; reassign it to camera zoom instead. That said, Ctrl and Shift are, in my opinion, not ideal for thrust. A better option would be to get a gaming mouse (possessing additional buttons), and use the additional buttons for thrust adjustment; in this layout, you can conveniently change the thrust level while retaining concurrent control of keyboard maneuvering.

i have a mouse but i use the extra buttons for other things.
still - the thing is that with ctrl + shift i have highest sensitivity so i can go to 100 and to 0 very quickly.
i use scroll for 101% wep for example.
Ideal solution for me would be to have right click zoom and then a button to unzoom but this doesn’t work due to gaijins wonderful game design :/

If I’m not mistaken, you can get the results you need by turning on the relative control selection, on the zoom axis control.