Consume several boosters


This is probably not the most usual situation to end up in, but it does happen, if for example, you have bought heaps of chests like the ongoing “Toolbox”, where you usually get a lot of boosters, or you may have collected some or bought such for golden eagles.

After all, you don’t always want to use these, and if you save them, maybe spread them out instead of using them all at once, maybe you fogot you had all of them and only realising it just before it is too late and then you might run out of time, and ideally several should be activated at once as quickly as possible, maybe you are only minutes to seconds from losing them… then it would be very good to have the option to consume several of these, as we can with the “Toolboxes” instead of spending ten times longer on and activating each and every one of them individually, which then in such rare cases can mean that you lose most of them



Image lended from Warthunder Wiki
Inventory and Items - War Thunder Wiki


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Or maybe just remove booster expiry?
its a malicious (imo) tactic anyway


Obv +1.


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