"connection to the server was lost" in 2024

It’s “current year” and there’s still no way to return to a match that you’ve disconnected from and have been kicked to the hangar. I mean, every single other live service game has this option, and if your game crashes you’re allowed to return to the battle. It’s not gamebreaking, but it happens once or twice a week and it’s enough to be annoying.


Yh and then ur plans locked

I’ve found that if you go to the “Switch User” option and essentially log out and log back in without quitting the game entirely it usually works and gives you the option to rejoin.


How the hell do you find that out.

A bit of trial and error, a bit of intuition.

I noticed at times when the game straight up crashed that restarting it allowed me to rejoin the match if it hadn’t ended. From there I deduced that starting the program itself couldn’t be relevant so it had to be based on login, and the Switch User option prompts login faster than restarting the game does. Thus I formed the hypothesis that relogging would present the option to rejoin the game and subsequent testing confirmed that hypothesis.