Dear Gaijin, how do you expect me to complete the event if you put me in a match where my internet mysteriously gets interrupted? What would be the point of trying to participate in an event if the problem gets worse on event days like today, 10/03/2024, when you are completely unable to do anything in the match and can only watch enemy and allied tanks flying across the map?
My connection reaches nearly 1GB, yet I continue to experience the issue of losing connection to the server. In past events, I even called my internet provider and stayed on the phone with a technician, monitoring the internet and reporting the connection losses. And guess what, Gaijin? Even when messages appeared on the screen stating that the connection to the server was lost, the internet still showed as “normal,” and there was no problem with the provider during those disconnections in battles during events.
This is my complaint for today. I will try in every way possible to complete the event, but so far, it’s almost unplayable due to so many connection losses caused by the incompetence of a certain company that fails to pay proper attention to the issues affecting the game. Instead, they prefer to release new vehicles throughout the year just to claim they are doing something and listening to the community’s useless requests, which aren’t focused on improving the game, but only on bringing new bugs and adding a bunch of gigabytes to the almost 300GB we’ve already downloaded.
Final point: Listen more to the players who want to IMPROVE the quality of life in the game. Forget, for a moment, the players who WANT NEW VEHICLES and NATIONS. FIX the issues that plague the game during events with high traffic on the servers. If you focused at least one major update a year on solving BUGS and INCREASING server capacity to prevent recurring problems like connection losses, it would be PERFECT for both the community and the game’s LONGEVITY.
The internet is a series of tubes, and anywhere along it’s path it can have trouble, and that will cause trouble in varying degrees.
And whilst there have been some points where I too have experienced this situation recently, it feels odd in how the game is being affected by this connection issue.
In the past week or so it’s been fine for me, but I had a few matches before that, that did have this happen, and it was only for a short minute, but it still had a heavy affect on me moving in match, and then it came back within a minute or 2.
It felt as though there was a drop in one of the directions, but not the other, as I could still move and get noticed by the server, but still have that message across the screen.
The only thing you can do is really make sure your end is certain. No wifi, restart your router/modem/PC, and just keep noting the situation.
If anything this could need handing off to the more tech guru side of Gaijin, as something is going on, it just needs to be sourced as to where.
Thing is, without it being reported appropriately, it won’t be looked at.
And everyone assumes it’s the game or the servers in the seconds that it happens, all the time.
But as I mentioned, I stayed on the phone with my internet provider, monitoring whether it was really my connection or not, and fortunately, my internet proved to be more than sufficient to avoid such issues.
And I am not a NA player; I’m from South America, specifically located in Brazil. So, they should at least try to place or allocate a server closer to Mexico or perhaps even here in Brazil, which would benefit all the surrounding countries. Maybe then these problems wouldn’t be as unbearable for us, which is three times worse than for you players in Europe or the United States.
The part where I said about tubes is a thing to consider.
If the helpdesk didn’t tell you about that sort of concept then they are prejudiced in trying to make it not thier problem compared to helping you fix the issue.